Chapter 12

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One day in the bustling market, Luna was happily picking out her favorite fruits and vegetables, the vibrant colors and fragrant scents brightening her day. Suddenly, a shadow fell across her, and before she could react, Eggman swooped in and snatched her away.

"Tails! Sonic! Help me!" Luna cried out, her heart racing with fear as Eggman's grip tightened around her. She struggled against his hold, desperately trying to free herself, but to no avail. Her wings fluttered in distress as tears welled up in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Tails and Sonic were searching for Luna in the market, but she was nowhere to be found. Tails's heart sank with worry, his mind racing with thoughts of Luna in danger. Sensing her distress, he turned to Sonic and asked urgently, "Have you seen Luna? Where is she?"

Back at Eggman's lair, Luna's cries for help echoed through the dark and foreboding space. As Eggman approached with a malicious gleam in his eye, Luna's fear heightened. She lowered her ears in fright and tears streamed down her face.

"Please let me go! Tails! Sonic! Someone help me!" Luna pleaded, her voice quivering with fear and desperation. As Eggman loomed over her menacingly, Luna's heart pounded in her chest, the fear gripping her in its icy grasp.

Just as Luna thought all was lost, a sudden sound of commotion broke the silence. Tails burst into the room, his eyes blazing with determination. Without hesitation, he sprang into action, breaking the chains that held Luna captive.

Luna's tears of fear turned to tears of relief as Tails rushed to her side, enveloping her in a tight embrace. She clung to him, trembling with fear and the rush of emotions. Tails, overcome with worry, gently hushed her and soothingly said, "Shh... it's okay. I'm here now. You're safe with me."

Luna buried her face in Tails's chest, Tails tenderly kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair, offering her comfort and solace in the midst of the chaos. With each gentle touch, Luna felt a sense of security and warmth wash over her, knowing that Tails was there to protect her and keep her safe.

Tails gently lifted Luna in his arms, cradling her in a bridal style, she let out a small soft squeal escaping her lips. Her ears lowered slightly, a mix of surprise and comfort washing over her at his tender gesture.

Feeling her slight reaction, Tails smiled warmly at Luna and whispered, "I'll always protect you, Luna. You're safe with me." His words carried a promise of unwavering devotion and care, a vow to always be there for her no matter what challenges they faced.

With Luna nestled securely in his arms, Tails spread his twin tails and began to hover, his feet leaving the ground as he prepared to carry her away to safety. Luna rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her cheek, a sense of security washing over her.

As Tails soared through the sky, carrying Luna in his embrace, she gazed up at him with eyes filled with trust and gratitude. The wind rushed past them, carrying them towards Tails's home, where they would find peace and solace in each other's presence.

Sonic Boom: Wings of Destiny (Tails X Luna)Where stories live. Discover now