2. Homo Deus

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When he first regained his memories at 4  he was shocked at them. It basically showed that he is a person who had lived during the 21st, and it was a great revelation.

"Though, I still don't know if I'm in the future of my own world or if I'm in another world." Abel muttered to himself as he sat on the couch in his room after coming from school.

It took a bit of time for him to accept the new reality presented to him as he also came to realise that despite the claims by scientists, it would appear that souls do exist, otherwise he doesn't think he would be in his current situation.

Though he managed to integrate with his new life quite easily as it was another chance for him as well. He also marveled at the advancements that humanity has achieved since then, though he was disappointed that records from the past regarding their life on Earth have only a minimum level of information.

It was due to the war that had occurred which caused widespread destruction and loss of life. Roughly 60% of the human race had been killed, 30% being his own ancestors who would go on to create the confederacy and the last 10% was the German-Russian alliance.

In the end the alliance of the two countries and their people were exiled from Earth, being shamed due to the fact that they had not only lost the war, but have also been reduced to a pitiful state. After which the human race came together and created the Confederacy and expanded from there to become the powerful Empire that it is now.

"Though it is still a shock that they let them go. But maybe they were so disgusted by them they didn't want their corpses anywhere near their territory or they didn't want to be like them. I wonder how the Germassian Empire history is?" Abel said to himself as he looked out of the sky.

After the alliance was exiled their moved far away before they started to stabilize their civilization again. They had left the quadrant in which humanity had been living in and went to another one before they started to expand and grow in power. And now they are also recognised as a powerful Empire, called the Germassian Empire.

Normally he would be laughing at such a name but considering that the names of aliens are also quite strange it lost its affect after few years since his rebirth. They are seen as elitist, purist, dictatorial, dystopian, militaristic Empire of savagery due to how their army and people are. They seem to find right in the fact that they don't need to have any reason to take control of other planats for themselves.

Of course, this nature of theirs isn't well liked by the Confederacy due to their actions as they would wipe out an entire race of a planet before terraforming it for themselves. Unlike the Confederacy who only terraformed uninhabited planets and one on which the species are dangerous.

Though life is still a bit scarce and difficult to grow due to the conditions that are needed to be met. According to the history that they have, they did find a trace of life on Mars, however, after it has grown from a small organism, it was like a transparent starfish, but it attacked the crew, most likely to use them as nourishment.

Unfortunately for the specimen, the humans had advanced far too much for it to do anything for them. According to it, the creature had enough strength to grab and break the hands of a grown man, but humans as a whole had changed by them and so it wasn't able to hurt the scientists.

They decided that it was dangerous to let a creature like that grow and evolve and destroyed it. After which the planet of Mars was terraformed into a hellscape of lava which was used to destroy any sign of another life on the planet. After they were sure that no life could be born there, they terraformed it into like Earth before taking control of the planet.

That was how they expanded, they made sure to repeat the process and destroy any chance for dangerous life to exist after checking the planet. Then turn it into a hospitable one for them and then live there after preparing it. But if they came across a civilization on another planet, they would extend peace treaties before they take the planet and it's inhabitants under their wings. They also employ shields around their planets like the one around Jupiter to protect it against unknown threats.

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