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"Xander!" Diane shouts, launching herself into my open arms.

"Hey sunshine, how was school?" I ask, hoping today was a better day.

"Eh no better than the rest." She responds as she finds a sudden interest in her butterfly ring I bought for her.

I scowl, hating that I can't do anything to help her feel better. Ever since Diane joined the West Chapman Elementary, all the other kids have been rude to Diane except for this one girl who, according to Diane, prefers to eat alone.

"Well we can go to any fast food restaurant you want, Mom won't be back until next week." I coax knowing she'll say yes.

"Bet! I want to go to KFC. I'm feeling 12 piece chicken, a Starry drink, a large one too, um a large fries and five piece nuggets." She lists bouncing excitedly on her feet.

"Alright let's go, we'll have to do homework quickly if you still want to go watch a movie after." I scoop her into my arms and carry her to my car.

"Where's the motorcycle?" She pouts and I laugh because there's no way in hell I would drive the motorcycle with my younger sister on.

"At home. I'll take you for a ride on it when you're 13, okay?" I promise.

"But that's in 5 years!" She pouts frustrated.

"I know." I say as she continues to pout but I just ruffle her hair before pulling out of the elementary school parking lot.

On the way to KFC and back home, she jabbers on like a chatterbox about school and her teachers and how fun the gym is and such. I nod and respond at the correct times as I watch how animated she becomes. 'If only she had a friend or two.' I think sadly. I prefer to stay alone or hang out with Jasper when he decides to show up at school but I know how much she wants friends.

"Isn't there anyone you could play or hang out with?" I ask glancing over at her side.

"I guess there's Leslie but she prefers to stick to herself, I think. I mean, I've never seen her hang out with anyone so I just assumed so." She responds.

"Is it that girl that you said likes to eat alone?" I recall vaguely.

"Yup! I guess I could try to talk to her tomorrow but for now, I just want to eat some KFC, finish my homework, and watch movies with you." She grins.

"Whatever the princess wants, she gets." I say speeding up a little.

☼          ☼          ☼

"Diane, are you done yet?" I ask popping my head into her room.

"Not yet, I have to finish my math and english worksheet." She responds before shoving another chicken into her mouth.

"Alright, but you need to be done in 30 minutes if we're gonna go." I warn her. "Also you better remove the crumbs from the bed before we go."

"Yeah yeah." She waves me off as she continues to work on her homework.

I laugh and leave her room, with the door open. I hear her shout 'Xander!' and I chuckle before throwing myself onto the couch and scrolling through my socials.

Twenty minutes later, Diane emerges from her room. "We can go now if you're ready."

"Vamanos then, we ain't got all day." I herd her to the door and grab my keys from the hook.

"What are we going to watch?" She asks as she puts on her jacket.

"Whatever you want." I respond slinging my arm around her neck.

"Let's watch Mean Girls!"

"I'm pretty sure you are way too young to watch mean girls. They cuss and you're eight."

"They probably don't cuss more than you." She counters looking at me sassily.

"I'm very proud but also very offended, I don't cuss that often...i think." 'Huh. Maybe the kid might be right afterall.' I think running my hand through my hair.

"I bet you're cursing in your head right now." She laughs putting on her seatbelt.

"I wasn't but what makes you think so?"

"You run your hand through you hair when you're nervous."

"Damn I guess you got me there." I smile before realizing I cursed. "Okay you might actually be right."

"When am I not." She responds smugly and I mess up her hair just because.

"Hey!" She giggles as she tries to swat my hand away. "You better start driving or else we won't make it!"

"Yeah yeah." I start the car and soon enough we're on our way.

☼          ☼          ☼

"So is there anyone at school that you might fancy?" Diane ask suggestively.

"No, not really. Why are you asking?" I ask skeptical of her intentions.

"Well my school had a picnic at the park and we passed by your school on our way back and I saw you talking to another girl." She says grinning.

"Sorry to disappoint but I don't fancy anyone and also who taught you that?" 

"Don't worry about who. And I wouldn't mind if you did, she's like a pretty flower."

"Oh really?" I ask, amused.

"Yeah and maybe she could get you to stop cursing so much." She laughs when she notices I stop smiling.

"I'm gonna turn this car around." I joke in a false stern voice.

"It's too late, we're already here sucker!" 

"Damn it." I whisper as I park and then hope she didn't hear me.

"I heard that." She says as she unbuckles her seatbelt.

"Whatever. Let's just go watch your stupid movie."

"Hey you might like it." She tries to reason.

"Nope, now come on. I don't need you complaining about missing some of it."

"I don't do that!" She scoffs in fake annoyance and I can't help but laugh.

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