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It's been a couple weeks since Justin's date with Serena and ever since then he's been quite busy. It's a little irritating considering we've always ride to school together since he got his drivers license but this is his first serious "relationship". We're on our way to school when Justin asks him to stay after school to help him with his science project.

"Just for an hour or two. Please?" He pouts looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"You know I hate being at school after hours unless it's for sports or student council." I mumble even though I know that won't dissuade him.

"Yeah but it's just for a little and I want to impress Serena with my grades." He continues pleading.

"Ugh fine, but only for an hour." I sulk.

"Thank you! And I would totally hug you right now but I'm driving."

"You can thank me by getting us to school on time."

With that, he speeds up. It's not until we arrive at school, on time thankfully, that he slows down.

"So I'll see you after school?" He asks grabbing his bag from the backseat.

"Not like I really have a choice." I grumble as I grab my backpack from his outstretched hand.

"Sorry and thank you!" He shouts and runs off to where Serena is waiting for him at the front doors.

"You're welcome." I whisper to his retreating back and head off to Homeroom.

☼          ☼          ☼

"Shit!" I whisper to myself as I run through the halls. I know without looking at my watch that I'm late. I can already hear Justin complaining about how late I am. Just as I'm rounding the corner, I run into someone.

"Damnit!" I shout as I rub my forehead while trying to collect my papers. "I'm so sorry for running into you, I promise it was an accident. I'm just kind of in a hu..rry." I falter as I notice who I ran into.

"It's fine but I'm also in a hurry so you wanna take your papers." It's only then I realize he's been trying to give me my papers back.

"Oh...yeah, thanks." I grab my papers back. "Wait-why are you still here? You don't have detention."

"Yeah and I'm not gonna ask why you would know that. I had something to do." 

"Oh. If you don't mind me asking, what was that something?" I probe.

"Are you a detective? Why do you wanna know?" He crosses his arms.

"Just curious." 

"Didn't you say you were in a hurry?" He asks looking past me.

"Meh, it can wait." I shrug. "So where you going now?"

"To pick up my sister."

"What's her name?"

"Jesus Christ." He runs his hand through his hair and I once again notice his very muscular arms. "Her name is Diane."

"What grade is she in?"

"Are you always like this to random people you run into?" He asks a smile dancing in the corner of his mouth and I notice how nice his lips look.

"No, not really. I'm just curious to what you've been up to these last few years."

"Well I'm very confused why you're talking to me because it seemed to me like you couldn't be far enough from me in gym."

"Well honestly you can't judge me. I mean I haven't had a "one on one" encounter with you in years and you are different from how you were in fifth grade. But I am sorry if you were offended by my actions." 

"It's fine. Most people react like that but you are the first person to ever apologize. Congratulations." He says in a false happy tone.

"You know, you're different than what people say." I say curiously.

He laughs in a way that makes me think he isn't really laughing. "Well people like to gossip and make up lies to make things more interesting."

"How's your mom? Mom told me she's been in Italy or something for 6 months?" I wonder how their mom is okay with leaving her children alone for so long.

"Yeah she's coming back in a couple days." He looks around as if uncomfortable and I feel bad for bringing it up.

"Well you never answered me when I asked what grade Diane is in."

"Second grade."

"Oh Leslie's also in second grade. Do you want to bring Diane over some time so they can get to know each other?" 

"Does Leslie go to WCE?" 

"Yeah, she does. How did you know?" 

"Diane's mentioned her to me before."

"Sweet! So is that a yes to the playdate?"

"You do know that playdates are for tiny children right?"

"Fine then a hangout, get together, whatever you wanna call it!"

"I'll ask her first. If she agrees, I'll let you know."

"Alright then. I'm holding you to your word though."

"Okay well, see you then."

"Bye!" I wave and watch him walk off. 'He looks so sure of himself when he walks. It's kinda sexy not gonna lie..' 

"Nope, time to be serious." I mumble to myself and continue looking around the school for the class Justin is in.

☼          ☼          ☼

"Where were you?" Justin exclaims as soon as I walk in.

"Well hello to you too." I grumble, setting my bag down on the nearest table.

"Yeah yeah hi." He shrugs me off. "Where were you?"

"I couldn't find the class and I ran into Xander before that." I explain.

"Ooo, what happened?" He teases sitting on top of a desk leaning towards me. "You have to give me a detailed run down of what happened?"

I sigh and climb on the desk next to him and rehash everything that happened. Justin offers noises of approval and disapproval as I talk. Finally, I finish narrating my encounter with Xander. Justin stays quiet for a while and while he does so, I grab the stuff I planned on using for his project.

"That was an interesting story, make sure to let me know what happens on the hangout day. Wow, what are the chances you'd get back to speaking terms again. Who would have thought?" Justin muses as he gets down from the desk.

"Well, I suppose I can't hold a grudge from what happened in 5th grade forever. Now if you would please focus on your project so we can hurry up and finish. I've been here for way longer than I planned." I look at him pointedly.

"Sorry, sorry! But you were the late one anyways." 

"I bet you weren't even here for long considering you are always the late one when we meet up."

"So what were you saying about working on the project?"

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