A Bot in the Closet

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Year 2123...

"Shana, I love you." A typical office pencil pusher guy said to the woman sitting across the table at the local noodle shop. He pushed his glasses back up on his nose and twisted his fingers around the others. His smile was crooked but endearing in a way. He looked like he just came from the office with his twill brown slacks and short sleeve collared shirt. Mousy brown hair was brushed and sleeked down with product. There was a hopefulness and worry in his hazel eyes.

"Evan, I love you too." A voice that was perfectly pitched came out of the woman who glossy blond hair rippled passed her slender shoulders. Her tan skin was even through under her designer pink dress. Her smile was sweet and symmetrical with a permanent pink lip stain. It was her sky-blue eyes, the restaurant overhead light cast shown the glassiness of the obs. She is an AI companion bot.

"I want to make our arrangement something more. Shana, what you do me the honor of being my wife?" The man pulled out a small ring box. Opening it, it was a classic solitary diamond ring with a platinum setting.

"Yes, Evan. You have made me so happy." The bot spoke, her voice full with the correct emotions for the setting. Standing up, Evan placed the ring on her finger. She hugged him, stating that she was requesting the downloads with the life partner software so they could start their new journey together. They shared a kiss, making the onlookers go 'awe'.

It's artificial, but it is real to him. Ava thought setting down her now empty bowl of ramen. She pushed a loose lock of her nearly waist length fiery red hair from her face. She watched the proposal just like the other patrons. A smile tugged at her pale pink lips. In a way, she could be happy for the couple. She wasn't the bitter, spiteful creature that people thought she became, but that is for later.

"When are you going to bring someone here and eat noodles with?" The owner of the noodle shop came up. An older Japanese woman whose once long black hair now was pure snow-white asked Ava as she cleared the table. Yes, she was the owner, but she preferred to be active in the dining floor.

"When I find someone worthy of gracing your presence, Mai." Ava smiled at the woman, placing her debit card on the payment receiver on the table. There was a hum and the light turned red. "Mai, the payment receiver is not working." Ava stood up, gathering her shoulder bag and jacket.

"You have eaten here nearly every day for the last three years. I can afford to give you a free meal." Mai pushed Ava hand away when she tried to give her the card to scan. "Don't give me that look. See you tomorrow, you pay tomorrow." The woman who made her simple blue dress and apron look regal, dismissing the younger woman with the wave of her hand.

Ava rolled her green eyes and shook her head. Leaving out, she zipped up her jacket to protect the chilling autumn day. As she walked down to have place of employment, Ava took in the sights along the tree lined sidewalks. AI bots and humans mingling about in the different shops and stores. Some bots were just basic with their silvery outer layer and unscripted features. Other were fully customed and clothed. A few were running errands for their operators. Others were assisting with their human's days. Ava passed a dog walker bot with ten fierce look chihuahuas at the ends of the leashes.

Ava looked up to the sky, the brilliant blue was something that was finally restore in the last fifty years. Over hundred years ago, there was such a fight about renewable energy sources and the effects on the environment. Soon, the earth was in threat of dying due to the heat generated from the solar panels, the emissions of fossil fuels and the lack of the stability of wind power. The answer to the global problem, cow patties. Yes, the menthane gas from the manure saved the world.

Now, there were green grass field with cows, buffalos and bison where there once were solar and wind fields. The coal miners become cowboys and shoving shit was a well-paying job. Even in the city, there was a huge cattle ranch in the central park and the local schools had their annual trips to see the operation and get to feed the baby cows.

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