Call Me Daddy

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The next day at work...

Ava held her head in her hands as she confessed to Bast that she got the best orgasms in her life and amazing cuddles from Brandon the night before. Bast sat with their mouth wide open. Bast looked around the room for a moment and back at Ava whose face was as red as her hair.

"So, encore performance tonight?" Bast asked with a smile.

"NO! I barely survive his tongue. His cock might unlive me." Ava lifted her face to look at them. They had the biggest smile of their face. Their chocolate skin has a golden glow to it under the overhear light on the tech room.

"You have him program with the EMT function. You would be fine." Bast laughed.

"I came for advice!"

"You came alright." Bast had to sit down. "I have never made my partner pass out. I need to ask Brandon his tricks."

"No need for air is one of them." Ava rolled her eyes. They got back to work, working to refurnish a few new bots that were drop off. A few years old but quality was still good. Prefect to make nannies or housekeeper bots.

When Ava returned home, she noticed that the house was sparkling clean. Brandon had outdone himself for the engagement party was the next day. Hearing the shower start, Ava set down her bag and made her way to the bathroom.

"Brandon, are you okay?" She asked opening the door slightly so she could hear his answer. The door was pulled open revealing Brandon without a stitch of clothes on. There were black marks on his face and hands. "Oh no! What happen?"

"The chimney was congested with soot. I manual cleaned it." Brandon told her, rubbing to show the undamaged skin underneath.

"Why did you clean it? We never use it." She surveyed the rest of his body to check for injuries. Her eyes jumped back up to his face when she saw his shaft. Lengthy and thick were the words that popped into her mind. She had not seen one so impressive since her college days. Frat boys loved to show their meat.

"A fire tomorrow for the affair. It will give a romantic vibe. Now, I need help washing my back, join me in the shower." Brandon turned to the shower. Ava watched him climb into water.

"Wait?" Ava realized what he said. "Did you give me an order? I am not your sub." Ava crossed her arms.

"True. My past programming is alternating my current functions. I am still your housekeeper and will do what you ask dealing with the home. Now, my function to be your dom is in the forefront and daddy needs his baby girl to wash his back. If you are good, daddy will give you what was making your heart race just a minute ago.

"I need to reprogram you. Go through every file to find the cause." Ava stated, trying to stand her ground.

"You could have done at any time today. You have the necessary means to do it remotely from work. Now, I will not ask again. Join me." Brandon closed the glass door of the shower. Ava stood in shock as Brandon started to wet his body. She turned from the shower, determined to leave the bathroom and reprogram him right then. That is what she needed to do.

A few minutes later...

Ava was running the washcloth across Brandon's back, wiping the soot from his skin. He glanced back to her, letting his eyes take in her naked wet body. The droplets of water caressed her skin as she cleaned the cloth from the soot. Taking it again, she made sure all the grime was gone. Brandon turned to her, tilting his head back to let the water flush the cleanser from his hair.

"Tell me, baby girl. Do you see any more soot?" He asked, rubbing his thumb against her bottom lip.

She glanced quickly. "No."

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