Losing and Learning

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A few weeks later...

"So, how are you and hubby doing?" Mai asked Ava when she came in for lunch. The morning after the party, Brandon surprised her with the download making him her life partner. Since she had that day off, they went out and bought rings. She only told a few people like Bast, Neva, and Mai. Other than them, it is not anyone's business.

"Good. Honestly, this is the best relationship I have had, and it is great." Ava smiled as she sat down. Eating her lunch, she played on her phone, seeing the cute and spicy messages that Brandon had sent her.

"I miss giving you that smile." Owen commented as he sat across from her. "Tell me there is still a chance to steal you away." He tried to reach for her hand.

"YOU almost ruined my friend's engagement party." Ava drew her hand away. "And I do not want to be with you. Go back to that woman who you were balls deep in." Ava stood up to get away from him.

"She left me when she realized that my money was from a trust from my parents. You never care about money. You were prefect for me." Owen reached for her again.

"Prefect until I worked too much, and you get lonely." Ava tried to walk away. Mai was coming out of the back with a broom on her hand. Her wife, Shay was holding a frying pan.

"Please, we can make...you are wearing a ring." Owen grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving. Feeling the metal on her hand, he snapped his head up. "I can be a better person than them." He asserted.

Ava wrenched her hand from him. "No, you cannot. Now leave me be." Ava moved to the exit. Mai and Shay started to beat Owen with their weapons. They chased him out into the street where they alerted the police bot about Owen disturbing customers. Ava took a breath and returned to her table. Too shaky to finish eating, she spent time in the kitchen with Mai and Shay until Brandon drove there to collect her.

As Ava got in the car, she noticed Owen watching her. Brandon noticed too and kissed Ava on the lips before closing her car door. Ava called Bast to tell them what happen. Bast told Ava to go home and for Brandon to protect her.

"My bodyguard function is still active, and I have every right to protect my life partner from harm." Brandon spoke darkly, staring out the windshield. Ava rested her head on his shoulder as they drove home. Once there, Ava alarmed the house and tried to calm down. Brandon pulled her into his lap and held her.

Later that night...

Brandon was holding Ava against his bare chest as she slept. He was in rest mode but still aware of the noises of the house. Steve, the house system was on high alert and told to contact police immediately if anything out of the ordinary happen.

The sound of glass shattering at the back of the house made Brandon bolt up. Ava woke at the feel of Brandon climbing out of bed. He told her to stay. There were heavy footsteps in the hallway.

"Ava! I know you are home. I don't what to do this, but you leave me no choice." Owen's voice called out.

"Police are on their way." Steve whispered to the couple as Brandon had Ava go to the bathroom off her bedroom. Owen was hitting their locked door with an old-fashioned axe. Brandon stood there, ready to rip Owen apart if he got inside.

"I am going to cut you into pieces!" Owen screamed as the hole he was making grew bigger. Owen thrust his arm into the room, unlocking the door. He lunged at Brandon with the axe. Brandon grabbed the axe and was able to pull it from the mad man.

Owen was smarter than he looked. He pulled out an electric taser from his jacket. Owen jammed the device into Brandon's chest. Brandon screamed as 100,000 volts went into his titanium framework, frying circuit boards. The body of the bot crumpled to the floor, twitching.

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