Enchancia vs. Kingdom of Zeus

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Enchantment and her dad headed over to the Kingdom. "Ok you go to the right, I'll go to the left." Enchantment said. "Oh! Sorry!" Enchantment bumped into a boy. "Oh...hi....! Are you?" Enchantment nodded. "Yes. I'm the royal princess." The boy smiled. "Well...it was enchanting to meet you." Enchantment walked away. She paused and turned. "Hey. What's your name?" The boy answered, "Oh, Chase." Enchantment said, "Ok. So...Chase..could you help me?" Chase seemed confused. "With what?" Enchantment explained what she was doing. "Oh sure!" Chase was from Enchancia. He was a slave. He got out. "Ok follow me. My dad can't know about you. "How old are you?" Chase asked. "Oh thirteen." Chase said, "Why can't the King know about me?" Enchantment looked at him. "I uh..can't hang out with kids. Any kids. My parents don't trust them. Enchantment never lied. She didn't She liked Chase. But she did not want to get in trouble. Enchantment and Chase started walking. Meanwhile, the King was looking for the Queen. "UGH!! Where is she?!" Chase and Enchantment gave up. They've been there for about 7 hours. "Bye Chase!" Enchantment said. "It was enchanting to meet you." Chase smiled. "Bye Enchantment. It was enchanting to meet you." Chase laughed. Then Enchantment laughed. Enchantment went to go look for the King. She found him. "Okay so dad. I met this boy-." Enchantment stopped. "A BOY!"
Enchantment looked shocked. "I NEVER ALLOWED THAT! WHEN DID I ALLOW THAT? HMM?" Enchantment backed away a little bit. "Look, we are not even dating. We are not even friends. We just had this uh moment at the end." The King calmed down. "Okay dear. Let's get your mother." They found the Queen crying in a cave. "Mother!" Enchantment screamed. "Are you okay?" The Queen nodded yes. She was okay. They headed back to the castle. Enchantment went upstairs to her room. She took the stuffing out of her stuffed bear animal. She pulled out a green circle with a spiral design. It was glowing, but immediately stopped. She ran downstairs and went to her parents. "Mom. First you need to know something. Bond is gone. Second, it stopped." The Queen froze. The King sounded confused. The King was always confused. "What do you mean it "stopped"?" The Queen asked.
Nobody knew what happened next.

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