Chapter One

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Whoever invented Welcome Weekend, there is a special place in Hell just for  you. Deciding to put together all the socially awkward and prissy "daddy's money" kids was possibly the worst thing to ever come to life, especially making them socialize when we all know damn well we won't be talking to each other after this weekend is over. 

Especially when it's 97 degrees and barely 8am. I'm hot, sweaty, and tired. Resulting in a very irritated me, who doesn't want to talk to nerds or be surrounded by the people who will leave here debt-free with their Gucci bags on their arms. 

Sliding further down on the sticky plastic chair, I fiddle with the paper nametag I stuck onto my shirt, peeling more of the loose edges off my tank in a desperate attempt of that if I don't have this, then maybe I can scrape my way out of this as some poor upperclassman who got dragged into the sea of freshman while trying to move in. 

It proves to not work. 

"Is (Y/n) (L/n) here?" The girl at the front of the banquet hall asks and I meekly raise my hand that was peeling at the tag, mumbling a "here" as she looks over the clipboard in her hand. "It looks like you'll be in group 43, with Hange as your leader. She's in room 203 of the Humanities building," she then waves me off, turning her attention back to the clipboard. I wonder what's so interesting about a bunch of names who you won't remember in an hour. Grabbing my water bottle, I stand from the chair and cringe at the sound of my sticky thighs unpeeling themselves from the plastic before leaving the hall. Blasted by the AC that actually works out here, I inhale the crisp air before making my way down the stairs of the Student Union. Once outside, I head towards what I hope is the Humanities building. Cicadas sing in the trees as I walk across the campus, seeing some other lingering students exploring campus, and the wind brings some of the mist from the fountain onto me. I remind myself that this is only one weekend, twelve more hours and then another twelve tomorrow before I have a week to myself in my own dorm. No roommate to mess up my schedule, nobody to bother me. Nothing. 

Opening the doors, I look to the side in the walkway and see the room plaque with giant bronze lettering across the top letting me know I actually did remember where the Humanities building was. Looking closer, I see that the room I'm needed in is on the second floor and I opt to take the elevator in lieu of the stairs, knowing that I'll be doing plenty of walking the next twenty four-plus hours. Pressing the up key, I take a step back from the doors only to narrowly miss hitting someone behind me.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry about that," I said quickly, turning around to apologized to the poor human I almost ran into.

"No, please, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so close behind you anyways," the boy laughed it off, adjusting the glasses on his face before sticking out his hand. "I'm Armin."

"(Y/n), nice to meet you," I shook his hand firmly, hoping he didn't notice how sweaty my palms were. Thankfully, the chime of the elevator saved me from the sticky grasp and I let go before entering the metal box, Armin following in behind me. 

"What floor?" He asked, finger pressing the 2 key before waiting for my response. 

"Ah, I'm on 2 as well."

"Oh, you must have Hange as well! Another face I know," he shot me a smile as the door closed and I looked down at my feet. Another face? I wondered for a second before studying the club posters plastered to the back of the doors from the spring term. Chess, Robotics, Painting, Pre-Med, Philosophy Analytics. None of them sounded interesting enough for me to join, let alone help me further my own skills. 

The elevator soon came to a stop, metal doors opening as we both stepped out. There wasn't a need to look at room numbers; loud laughing came from down the hall and I quirked an eyebrow. "They're really loud..." I mumbled to myself, following Armin down the hallway before stopping right in front of the classroom. Giving myself a moment, I took a deep breath before entering, seeing Armin sit down next to a brunet and ravenette before engaging in conversation. The laughing came from a boy sitting in the corner, showing his friend his phone before she erupted into a fit of giggles too, another man scolding them for being too loud. Everyone else was pretty quiet, scrolling on their phone or resting their heads on the wooden desks. I don't blame them; it's too early for this shit, and none of us have had breakfast to my knowledge. 

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