Chapter 3.0 lounge longhouse

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The entire band had been on edge since the alleged fan attack at the Dethwater concert in the gulf of Danzig. Feelings of distrust for the outside world had mounted and the band never left the grounds of Mordhaus. Skwisgaar hadn't had nearly as many groupies pass through his room as he usually would, and the few who had were from a handpicked sub-harem. None of the band members had really liked being in their own company recently but Toki had been especially clingy, always finding one of the members of Dethklok to shadow. Pickles didn't mind the company of a drinking/smoking partner so he and Toki had spent many nights smoking a bowl and watching late night cartoons together until the wee hours of the morning. Murderface would sometimes join them but would usually finish an entire bottle of whiskey and pass out in his chair by 11:30pm. Toki would often fall asleep on the couch and the Klokateers would tuck him in with pillows and blankets where he lay.

One evening when Toki, Pickles, Nathan and Murderface were all sitting in the lounge, drinking and watching T.V., they witnessed an interesting thing. Some chick in her mid-twenties, with purple streaked black hair, arm warmers and matching miniskirt, was storming down the stairs and across the room towards the Mordhaus front doors.

"Who's that?" Nathan asked as he turned towards the clomping sound powering its way across the room, "Oh, just some groupie slut." He answered to himself.

She stopped just before the door, turned on her heal and glared at Nathan. "I am NOT some groupie SLUT!" She yelled at him.

Nathan had a genuine look of honest confusion and surprise on his face. If it looked, smelled, and moved like a groupie slut then chances were it was a groupie slut.

"Did you just come from Skwisgaar's room?" He asked, just to make sure he hadn't made some hideous mistake. She was silent but her lip snarled upward at the mention of Skwisgaar's name. Suspicions confirmed.

Skwisgaar appeared on the landing at the top of the staircase and bellowed "GET DAT GROUPIE SLUT OUTS OF HERES!"

"See, I was right the first time." Nathan said and turned back around.

The girl looked up at Skwisgaar, one fist balled and the other crushing her purse. "YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE ALONE SKWIGELF!! YOU KNOW THAT?!!" She screamed back.



She stormed out of the Haus with five sets of eyes on her (Klokateers didn't count). Four of those sets then snapped up to Skwisgaar leaning with both hands against the railing. He straightened up and began to quickly walk down the stairs to join his bandmates. He stole the beer out of Toki's hand, with a small protest from the rhythm guitarist, and plopped down on the couch next to him. All eyes were still fixed upon. He took a long gulp of beer, then held the bottle to the left side of his face and leaned back with his eyes closed. Everyone then realised that she had slapped him, hard, which they thought was god damn hilarious.

"Dood! What tha' fuck did you do ta her?!" Pickles asked between laughs, ever the defender of skanky gold diggers and sluts.

"Yeah, man. I mean, it must have been pretty bad." Nathan said as his own laughter trailed off.

"You try to schtick it in her assch or schomthing?" Murder face said, smirking like an idiot.

Skwisgaar opened his eyes to glare at him, "Nos Murderface, I don'ts gets slapped for dat. Bitches loves dat shit, buts I suppose you wouldn'ts be knowings." He reached over the table and lit one of Murderface's cigarettes.

Nathan and Pickles chuckled at this but Toki focused on the words Skwisgaar had just said. Not the part about dicks in arses, that was normal, but the fact that Skwisgaar had just referred to women as 'Bitches'; he didn't normally refer to women like that.

Scandinavian Heartstrings, in Drop D.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن