Nicolo Barella

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Hi its me 😊 thank you

Its of barella surprising reader with a trip to disney land 

"I want to take you somewhere, get your passport and pack a bag. I have a surprise trip for you" Nicolo announced as he entered the room.

"Huh? but I have work tomorrow?" you asked him as you turned your laptop off.

"Nope, I booked it off for you. Your work was very good with it all and well yeah" Nicolo smirked.

"Oh I am impressed with you, not sure how you managed to do that but well done baby. Okay we are really going somewhere? I like you being sneaky Nic" you laughed as you ran up the stairs and Nicolo followed up behind you.
"Surprise" Nicolo muttered as it was too early for him and the airport was too loud for him.

"Where we- whattttt disneyland?" you gasped in excitment as you had wanted to comeback to Disneyland for so long.

"Yep, hope you like it and I am judging by your face that you are very happy it" you nodded.

"yes I am super happy, thank you" you grinned as you boarded the plane.
"Oh Nico, this place is just so magical" you walked through and saw the castle as you gasped.

"This is beautiful, I love it" you smiled as you took a picture in front of it with Nicolo.

"Thank you for taking me here, this is just so magical" you grabbed his hand as you had just been in the shop as you bought some cute ears.

"Oh baby, you look so cute" he smiled as you walked to go on one of the rides.

"I just love this" you mumbled as you went on the ride as it went a lot faster than you anticipated.

"I loved that ride, but I am starving can we go and get food?" you asked him as you headed to the closest food place.

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