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Oh my Mukunda, my dear flute player,
A cute peacock feather on your curly locks, so fair.
A tired look on your adorable dark face,
Doesn't suit you, sleep my dear, in this peaceful place.

I am here crying, but you with your gentle lotus eyes,
Caressing me, comforting me with no lies.
How everyone leaves, but you don't, my dear,
No matter the time or the fear.

In my life, the greatest thing is you, my Murari,
In your smile, I find my peace, in your eyes, I see Sanctuary.
Oh my dear, now rest and sleep,
In your arms, I wish to forever keep.

Why care about those who judge and criticize,
Not seeing the beauty within, not seeing through lies.
The world may leave, but you remain by my side,
Your love, unwavering, a comforting guide.

Rest now, my dear, in your mother's embrace,
In Yashoda's arms, find peace and grace.
You care for your devotees, but I won't disappear,
I'll stay by your side, always near.

Oh my Mukunda, my dear flute player, so dear,
Sleep now, my darling, with no fear.
Your beauty shines in every way,
In your presence, I find my way.

In your melody, I find solace and peace,
Your music, a balm that will never cease.
Oh my dear, sweet Kanha, my love,
Sleep now, in the heavens above.

In your dreams, may you find joy and delight,
In your rest, may your spirit take flight.
I'll be here, waiting for your return,
In your presence, my heart will forever yearn.

Rest now, my beloved, in the arms of love,
In the arms of Yashoda, high above.


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