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Oh tiny rain droplet, so pure and clear,
You bring a message for all to hear,
A gentle whisper in the midst of the storm,
A reminder that life will soon transform.

As you fall from the sky in a delicate dance,
You bring hope and joy with each fleeting glance,
The flowers of spring are starting to bloom,
Their petals unfurling, dispelling the gloom.

You sing a song of renewal and rebirth,
A promise that all is not lost on this Earth,
Your soft patter on the windowpane,
Is a soothing balm for a world in pain.

In the month of March, you bring us cheer,
As the cold winter months disappear,
You herald the coming of brighter days,
And chase our worries far away.

The flowers of spring are a sight to behold,
Their colors so vibrant, their beauty untold,
They rise up from the earth, reaching for the sun,
Reminding us that new life has begun.

The sky that was once so dull and gray,
Is now a brilliant shade of blue, leading the way,
For birds to return with their sweet song,
To welcome the season and carry it along.

So let us embrace the tiny rain droplet's call,
To bloom again, to rise up tall,
To face each new day with courage and grace,
And let our spirits soar in this sacred place.

For the rain droplet whispers a message of hope,
A reminder that we have the strength to cope,
With whatever challenges come our way,
As we bloom anew with each passing day.

Oh tiny rain droplet, we thank you for your song,
For reminding us that we, too, belong,
In this world of beauty and wonder so vast,
May we always remember that this moment won't last.

So let us cherish each rain droplet's fall,
And let it inspire us to stand up tall,
To bloom again with the flowers of spring,
And let our hearts rejoice and sing.


330 words

Melodies in MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now