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༻ Rose's POV ༺

I wound up outside Matt's house.

I knew he wasn't home. There was a game today and I'd spotted the team bus leaving school as I arrived for my meeting with the principal. But it wasn't him I was here to see although now I was outside the gates, my stomach twisted with nerves.

I raised my hand to press the buzzer beside the gate but hesitated. I didn't even know why I was here or what I was going to say. The decision was taken out of my hands when a quiet beep sounded and the metal creaked as it swung open. And then a voice came crackling through the speaker. "Come on in."

It was a man's voice. But not one I recognised. I swallowed, glancing between the open gate and the path behind me back to the main road.

And then I straightened my shoulders. I was already here and someone had obviously seen me lurking outside the gates. They must have recognised me, considering they'd let me in without question. It would be embarrassing to turn back now.

So, I stepped through the gates and trudged down the long gravel driveway. The mansion in front of me seemed to get bigger with every step until I was at the bottom of the porch steps and the three stories towered over me, casting me in its shadow. I don't think I'd ever not be intimidated by the size of this place. And the enormity of the building was nothing compared to the vastness of the grounds it sat in.

It was impossible to comprehend just how rich this family really was.

Before I even started up the steps, the front door swung open. I flinched at the squeal that probably could be heard all the way in town. "Rose!" Mia screeched as she hopped down the stairs. Her hair was pinned back and she was in jeans and a loose t-shirt but she was so stunning that she made it look like a luxurious outfit. "This is such a lovely surprise."

She threw her arms around me, squeezing me so tightly I couldn't breathe. Her scent engulfed me, something so warm and motherly and perfectly suited to her. "How are you?" She pulled back, hands resting on my shoulders as she smiled brightly. "Come on inside, we've got the aircon on."

She ushered me in and as soon as I stepped through the door, the muggy heat from outside dropped away and the cool, fresh air washed over me. "Did you walk all the way here, honey?" Mia asked as she led me into the kitchen. "I'll make you a drink, what do you want?"

"Just a glass of water, please."

She nodded and grabbed a jug of iced water from the fridge and a glass. "So, what brings you over here?" she asked as she twisted and placed the glass of water onto the kitchen island in front of me. "Matts at a game right now and won't be back until later tonight but you're more than welcome to wait."

I shifted, taking a sip of the water to soothe my dry throat. "I uh- I actually came to talk to Logan."

"Oh." Her brows lifted and surprise flashed across her face for a moment before it fell away and her smile swept back into place. "Well, he's upstairs in his office. It's the door directly across from the stairs. Just give it a knock before you go inside, in case he's on the phone."

With a shaky breath, I nodded. "Thanks."

I didn't feel the slightest bit confident as I made my way upstairs. I'd shown up without having a clue what I even wanted to say to him. I just knew I couldn't take that money and go home without speaking to Logan. So, I knocked on the thick oak door with my heart in my throat.

"Come in!" he called. The door muffled a lot of the sound but his deep, booming voice had an edge to it that made me hesitate. He sounded angry and it made me wonder if I was interrupting something important, when I wasn't even sure of the reason I had shown up at his door.

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