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|Episode 1|

O' Ah'yuwn... how I have failed you...

When you were here, on the Ark... you were just a boy, filled with dreams, creativity, and ingenuity.

A mastermind behind many great inventions, and the master architect of 12 great cities, only to find yourself betrayed... facing death, at the cost of many lives...

I searched for you for many moons and suns...
I knowyou are alive...

I can feel you...
Please... return...
Let us redeem all—you have lost...

While I was here, sitting in the heavens of this realm, mourning at my lost...

Your presence—becomes known, and, here you are...
Or... am I mistaken?

Are you he?

I've been searching for you... for such a long time...
Where have you been, my Chosen One?

I feel your presence... descending from an unknown place, a place filled with darkness... a cold—void...

My name is Nohruh.

Do you remember me?
You seem... different somehow...
Your presence—seems... formless...

I cannot see, but I can feel your presence in my midst.

I hear... a familiar voice, calling upon your name...

So, she has chosen you...
Then I am pleased with her decision.

She won't be able to grant you a vessel, but I—can.


Hear my voice...
Feel my presence...

Take shape...
Define, and form...

Thus, you adhere to my call... ...and... this is what I see—in a vision...

-|Cores: 10|-
-|Gender: Masculine|-
-|Hair: Black | Wavy|-
-|Eyes: Orange | With the colors and movements of blazing fire|-
-|Body type: Built | Fit|-
-|Skin: Vibrant Chocolate|-
-|Attire: None|-

Intriguing... you have chosen similar features of your former self... just much older.

Alas, our time has come to separate.

For a moment... you shall be taken from me, and a moment later, I shall return to you...

But fear not—my Chosen One...
I shall be in your consciousness.

Your thoughts shall be my thoughts, and my thoughts, shall be your thoughts...

We shall be onein this chemistry...

What you seek, I shall find...
What you hear, I shall listen...
What you see... share with me...

But the power of your will... your vessel, shall remain your own.

See? I have granted you a pendant to fulfill my promise...

Sadly, when we depart, the one who summoned you—will become a part of your consciousness, like I have... but only for a time.

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