001. Intro

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The Harkonnen were known to be murderous monsters. Slicing servants throats just for the fun of it. Maybe they breathed to loud, accidentally looked into the barons eyes or were simply standing a little too close. A death sentence, spoken for nothing but the pleasure the killer gets by killing them. You could call it many names: selfish, egotistical, psychotic or insane, but one thing is for sure. These animals are unpredictable.

I've heard stories, more than I can count,but have never seen their actions let alone their kind myself. So saying that I wasn't scared to be in their presence would be a blunt lie. But putting on a brave face in that environment would be more crucial than ever. I was never a fighter, at least not physically. I'm a diplomat, advising the house Atreides and traveling for treaties and public representation. As our house is growing stronger people may increasingly see us as a thread, making it more important than ever to hold good relations with the other houses as not to provoke a war that kills millions. Especially with a house as dangerous as the Harkonnen.

So here I am on the way to the birthday fight of the Barons nephew. Attending will show respect to the baron and the Harkonnens in admiring the power of their next ruler and his abilities.

It's all a power play.

Luckily, being not as important of heritage, i could dodge the big welcome from the baron for the house of Atreides and immediately reside to my guest chamber. The window was facing the arena. Too small to show all of it but big enough to make out the insane amount of people that fit in this staudium. How many people have lost their lifes here for the pleasure of the onlookers? A shudder ran down my spine. Have friends maybe died here? Family? Possibly.

It's a sick game, a game i will have to watch today and seem as if i am intrigued by the psychotic power trip that will be showcased.

I have trained for this. Not letting my emotions slip and keeping them in for only me to know so i should not be as worried as i am.

Shaking my thoughts of i started getting ready, dressing in a tight black dress and gloves to match the exclusively black and white attire on this planet. Focusing onlookers on my sexual energy rather than fear I am trying to cover up is my plan for today. Because sexual energy holds power as much as vulnerability, perfect for todays event.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my trance as I tell them to come in.

It is a maid, dressed in only little white clothing gesturing me to follow her.Taking a deep breath in. I do.

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