004. Defiance

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I started to shiver. The fabric of my dress was thin and not made for keeping me warm.

Where was this maid he wanted to send?

I let my hair down, trying to keep some kind of warmth by having it fall over my shoulders and back but it was pretty much useless. It felt like I  was sitting on the cold floor for an hour already. I couln't stay here and pray for Feyd-Rautha to keep his word. Maybe he didn't see a maid?
Propably impossible, with how I've heard of his pets and his frequent organ feeding sessions.

I had no choice but to walk into the direction I saw him disappear in.
Turning the corner I was dissapointed. It looked exactly like the hall before, still i kept on walking, maybe I would recognize something, maybe the way to the arena or cross a maid cleaning or something. Hugging my arms around my torso to try and keep some warmth I kept on walking straight, not making any turns as not to completely loose my sense of direction.

The hall seemed to come to an end, the last few doors being slightly bigger. That must be bigger rooms, perhabs servant quaters. Surely there would be someone in there, anyone really to show me the way.

Knocking on a door like that would be more reasonable than the other ones.

So I did.

Heart pounding in my chest I awaited an answer. It's still dangerous to knock on an Harkonnens door in such a deserted seeming place. Noone answered.

So I knocked on the next one a bit further down. Soon after it swung open.

A maid.


"Oh thank god! My name is Olivia. I am searching for my guest chamber. Could you please help me? I got lost in the halls." I spoke reliefed.
The women looked at me looking drained and emotionless. I wanted to ask if she was alright, as something moving behind her caught my attention.

A big figure appeared.

Looking up I saw who.

The guard that stared down my cleavage before the arena fight. Great.

"Good evening. Coming right to my door now, are we? So you liked what you saw.", he shoved the maid away, "she doesn't have to show you to your chambers, I'll just show you mine."

He looked at me with a sinister look.

Backing up I spoke hurriedly, but determined, "No need for that, I will return to mine. If you would be so kind to let a maid help me", trying to be clear and turn his offer down I looked at him with a sense of finality. Looking braver than I felt.

"Oh no, you will let me have some fun" he said staring at my lips and coming closer.
No way this would be happening.

Words would be useless so I start to run into the direction I came from. Feeling the air be knocked out of my lungs, my body hit the floor with a loud thud, as I quickly turned around. He tripped me.

"Now that's better" he mumured to himself, eyes growing hungry.
"I am under the protection of the house Atreides, if you do anything against my will or to hurt me it will have great consequences", I had to stay confident and wiggle myself out of this situation as quickly and smooth as possible.
"You are noone of importance, I have never heard of an Olivia, you will surely not be missed.", he smiled to himself, looking proud of himself for having me caught. "Now serve me, women." he smirked.

He was tall, muscular and radiating of power.
"I won't serve anyone but my family and my home. I won't do shit for you i'd rather die.", you spat in his face.

It was clear he was talking with pent up aggression as he spoke his next words like he was some kind of god.

"I'm Glossu Rabban, heir to the thrown of the Harkonnen house. And I take what I want, when I want it." He came closer to my face, grabbing me by my thorat and staring into my eyes as if daring me to defy him. And that, I would. I won't go down without a fight and I can't seem weak now.

"You are ridiculous, the heir to the throne is Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. That must be obvious to everyone but yourself. Never would the Baron choose you over him", your words dripping like venom from your lips.

He squeezed your neck harder, now really seeming pissed. There was nothing you could do. You were trained in fightig, but the cheer size of him made it impossible for you to move as he was now pinning you to the floor. So you did the last thing you could. Threaten him.

"And if -through some miracle- you were to become anyone of importance and you should continue any of your current anticks", you narrowed your eyes making sure he knew how you meant every word that was about to fall of your tongue "I'll make sure that you take your last breath -begging- me to take my hands of your throat."

He laughed out loud, but you saw how he was triggered inside, he tried to hide how he knew your words to be true.
"That won't be necessary, because after using you. Before the rise of the black sun. You'll be fed to my servants and all that will be left of your waste of a body is your teeth in my nightstand.", he whispered in your ear.

"So even in death you'll hold on to me, how cute." you hissed. Tears prickling your eyes from pain and the lack of air in your lungs.

As you were preparing to pass out, you heard a loud clap from the corner.

I saw today that another FanFiction changed their cover and now has the same picture as me, it sucks, because i love my cover, but I'm thinking about changing it to stick out more. What do you think? Should I do it?

Anyways, it's getting more heated now👀
I've decided that the story would be a bit of a slow burn, but i want to take my time and be happy with the chapters i'm writing and the story to be special.

Also to do Feyd as a character as much justice as I can, as he is a really complicated character. He of course is my own version of Feyd but I still want it to feel somewhat believable.


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