002. The Show

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I was being seated in the same section as the baron. The first glimps i caught of him and i already feld disgusted to my core. He may be the ugliest creature I have ever encountered, looking like a big pathetic baby hoooked on a tube, because it is fated to die otherwise. Only difference was that he should die.

At least he was not looking at me, meaning i could come in without drawing much attention or having to introduce myself. It could wait, my persona wouldnt be needed until later meetings, this was only for show and being invisible for as long as i can be is perfect. Then the negociations would start. 

The baron wasn't interested in us by travelers and advisors. Who he cared about determined whos blood line he cared about, everyone else was a bystander, unimportant and made to fear him. Keeping a straight face, I sat down next to one of the other two diplomats named Jake, who I have only met briefely before. The other one next to him was Luke, but he didnt talk much, he is mostly observing people.
It felt a bit weird because usually during all of my travels I am accompanied by a good friend Seraphine, a bright and wise diplomat who has taught me most things i know, but she couldnt come along this time because of her sisters wedding, making this my first important appearance without my teacher. Being nineteen i was young, but ready and trained.
Duke Leto was seated on the other side of the room with his right hand. Why they seperated us? I don't know. Propably to feel more vulnerable.

"What do you think, will he win?", Jake whispered beside me. "Oh come on, you really think these fights are fair?" Jake seemed confused, he had a good soul. He stood up for people and fought for them, after all he was a great fighter. I don't know if this path will be his future though because he only wants to see the good in people.

I could make out a small "Oh..." leaving his mouth, before he looked down in the arena with a concerend look.
Suddenly i heard something shatter beside me. On alert I looked to my left seeing the glass of wine that was spilled all over the floor and the shocked servant whos throat was already cut by the immediate order of the baron.
"Clean this up, the celebration is about to start." he talked as if he just ordered cake, a life was taken over a simple mistake. The rage inside me is growing by the second, but i have to calm myself. I can't thow a fit, my houses name and importance can only protect me so far, if i step out of line too much, i might as well be next.

The guard that killed the poor servant went to clean its sword towards the exit before his eyes met mine, and then my cleavage. I guess this dress was working a little too well. Now regretting my life choices i saw the smirk gorwing on his face as his eyes fixated on my chest as he slowly walked past me to get a better look before he disappeared out the door.

Well that was creepy, has he not seen boobs before?

Now feeling more and more uncomfortable i wanted nothing more than to run and fly back home. But that's what they wanted. For me to feel scared, to fear them and their power. I won't have it.
Suddenly the cheers became extremely loud.

It's starting.

Not yet having recovered from the death I just witnessed I looked down and saw the reason of all these cheers and praising chants. A pale man had stepped into the arena, smirking.
He was basking in all of the admiration from his subjects, rasing his arms and soaking it all in. He was feeling it.
His gaze travelled along the crowd before greeting is uncle with a nod of his head before they traveled further and and i felt like it lingered on our section for a few seconds longer propably observing us new arrivals and showing us his face.
We stood to clap for what must be the newphew of the Baron.

Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Future ruler of the house harkonnen.

I must say, he wasn't as unpleasant to look at as his oncle, maybe even not unpleasant at all. Suddenly three doors opened in the arena and three man stumbled in from different directions. Two of them were obviously drugged. How heroic to win such a fight. I scoffed in my head.

It didn't suprise me as he took them down immediately, at least he didn't torture them. Right?

The Harkonnen seemed to be suprised by the third one being in good shape to fight. He actually blocked his blow. Now he seemed to have taken real interest in the fight, taking him longer, until he even deactivated his shield. The crowd was amazed. Again, all a power play and drama for him to seem like the strong fighter that is fit to rule them next.

But i must admit that it suprised me as he deactivated his shield and could actually be hurt. This was unexpected.

He was already covered in blood and you could see the enjoyment on his face. Feyd-Rautha was having fun. Fun killing drugged people and then being excited that he'll get to kill an injured man.

As they fought you couldnt help but notice that he was actually a good fighter. Fast, smooth and determined in his movements. If the situation were different it might even be admirable. You could see the pride he had for himself as he didnt want help from the black figures closing in on them, he wanted this kill all for himself and it to still be somewhat of a fair fight. I'm guessing the first thing is more likely the reason for his possesiveness over his victim though.

The fight was over as the Na-Baron killed the man and whispered something into his ear. I was very curious about what he might have said but i will never know anyways.

The crowd was ecstatic and going wild. We also stood again to clap and show our respects but there would be no chant coming from my mouth, this was a psychotic killer. Covered in blood he smiled, a full smile shown on his face, adrenaline propably going trough the roof because of his victory. A successful birthday party for him. A cake would have worked as well, i thought.

Still, you wondered if that one man that wasn't drugged could have been intentional or not. But how could such a mistake be made? It could not. It must have been intentional... maybe an attempt to kill him?

I'm just making things up in my mind. Maybe the drugs didn't work right on the man, and either way, it is none of my bussiness.

Hey guys!
I decided that I will make short chapters so I can update more frequently. Or would you like longer ones that also take longer?

Anyways i hope you like how the story is starting, i always appreciate feedback.
I'll try to update every two to three days, more frequent isn't possible right now because of work sadly.

But i'm hyped to write this ff🤌🏻


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