Part one:

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Chuuya used his ability to pick up and drop Sigma for the sixteenth time. "You only, I don't think he's going to wake up." Chuuya said grumpily. The plan was supposed to be Chuuya and Dazai killing Fyodor, and then going home. To Chuuya's apartment. Dazai would be able to stay the whole night, because the armed detective agency would be too busy occupied with everything at the airport to wonder where he was. Sigma was very obviously in need of a professional ability user hospital, not Chuuya picking him up and dropping him.

"No, keep doing it." Dazai said. "He has to wake up. I made a promise." Chuuya sighed. There it was. Once Dazai made a promise to save or help someone, he wouldn't think about anything or anyone else until he'd completed his task. It was part of the way he was on 'the side that saves people.' Chuuya had long ago accepted that in a circumstance like this, Dazai would be obsessed with fulfilling his promise. Even if what he was doing wasn't actually all that beneficial to the person he was supposedly saving.

"I'm heading home." Chuuya said. "Call me once you've managed to save him." Dazai stood up, a dangerous look blazing in his eyes. "Seriously?" He asked. "You're going home? You're just leaving Sigma to die?" Chuuya shook his head. "No, I want to take him to a hospital, but I can tell you're not going to listen to me. It's pointless. So, I'm going home." Chuuya turned to leave, but Dazai reached out and grabbed him by the arm. Dazai turned Chuuya back around to face him. "I thought you were better than this." Dazai said. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

Chuuya would have snorted with laughter if he wasn't worried about how Dazai would react. "Of what?" He asked. "Is there something I have to be jealous of?" Dazai laughed humourlessly. "God, there you go again." He said. "You don't trust me at all, do you?" Dazai asked. "I've been so forgiving of you and your past betrayals, and you get your back up whenever I'm around another guy." Chuuya shook his head. "I'm not jealous, and of course I trust you." He conceded. There was no arguing with Dazai when he got like this.

"You know, I could have killed you so easily when I wiped out the rest of the Sheep." Dazai said, and leaned in to rest a hand under Chuuya's face, forcing him to look Dazai in the eyes. "You could have started at the bottom of the port mafia, but I made sure you were well taken care of." Dazai said, and Chuuya tried to look away. He hated it when Dazai acted like this. Dazai wasn't always scary and possessive. Sometimes, he could be downright kind. But the reason Chuuya stayed with Dazai...wasn't because he loved him. It was because he was afraid of him.

"There were plenty of other people that wanted to sleep with you in the port mafia as well." Dazai continued. "You should have seen the way Akutagawa looked at you when you guys worked on assignments together back then." Dazai said, as if something about that was funny. "None of them were good enough for you. I kept away anyone else who would have laid a hand on you. I protected you." Dazai said, and started to circle Chuuya, like a vulture eyeing its prey. "I didn't let anyone have what was mine."

"Dazai, please stop." Chuuya said. He knew there was no way he'd get through to Dazai, but he still burned to say something. "Stop? Stop what? Protecting you?" Dazai said. "But you're mine, Chuuya. I'll always protect what's mine." Right. Like Dazai 'protected' Oda all the way to an early grave. "Now, why don't you be a good boyfriend, and keep helping me wake Sigma up." Chuuya shook his head. "I think we're hurting him when we keep dropping him like that. He needs to get to a hospital."

"Chuuya, no offence, but there's a reason I'm the brains of the operation." Dazai said. "You're not here to be smart. You're just supposed to use your power, and do what I tell you." Chuuya knew this. Dazai drilled it through his head whenever they met. It didn't exactly help that Mori would frequently assign Chuuya to Dazai, and tell him to go along with whatever his former apprentice had in mind. Everyone saw it. Dazai was perfect, the most skilled member of the port mafia, and the strategist of the armed detective agency. Chuuya was just his shadow. No matter how powerful a weapon was, it was no good unless there was someone to wield it.

Dazai was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a serious of loud crashing from upstairs. "What was that?" Chuuya asked. "It's nothing. Help me keep waking Sigma up." Dazai said. The sound came again. A shiver ran down Chuuya's spine. It was coming from the roof of the prison, where they'd left Nikolai, and where Fyodor's helicopter had crashed. Any number of things could be happening, but Dazai wouldn't care until they somehow managed to make Sigma wake up. Chuuya didn't want to think about what was happening up there, but that wouldn't make it go away.

"I have to go check on that." Chuuya said. "Nikolai's up there." Dazai laughed again. "Now who has a reason to be jealous, eh?" He asked coldly. "Go. Go on. Run away like you always do." Chuuya clenched his fists, but held his tongue. He felt bad about leaving Sigma with Dazai, but someone had to deal with whatever was going on up there. Chuuya made his way through the prison until he reached the roof.

At first, it looked like nothing was going on. That was when Chuuya saw it. Nikolai was lying on his back, and sort of shaking. His eyes were glazed over red, like what happened to Chuuya when he used corruption. Chuuya didn't know Nikolai well, but he knew him well enough to know that this wasn't normal. Sigma wasn't the only newfound ally that Chuuya had a duty to try to save. Chuuya walked forwards, picking up speed as Nikolai's shaking intensified. Chuuya and Dazai had only been gone for about ten minutes. What the hell had happened since then? Before Chuuya could do or think of anything else, he was stopped by the feeling of a set of very sharp teeth in his neck.

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