Part two:

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There were very few times that Fyodor felt genuine pity for a human. During the prison, however, there had been someone that had pulled on his heartstrings. His name was Chuuya, and he'd lived one of the hardest lives one could imagine. He was an experiment gone wrong, the world's greatest assassin had killed all his friends, he was forced to become a part of the port mafia, and he was stuck with Dazai. Dazai was Fyodor's nemesis. In every century, Fyodor had one archenemy that he faced off against, someone with the intellect that could rival his, but someone that needed to be taken care of. And Fyodor was always just the person to do it.

Dazai had been something of a pain in the ass, more so than the usual fun and games enemies that Fyodor fought. He was dangerously sharp, and positively wicked. At first, Fyodor had just disliked the guy for impersonal reasons. Then, he met Chuuya, and discovered that he hated Dazai for some very personal reasons. Dazai was toxic in all senses of the world. He had repeatedly manipulated, lied to, and done everything in his power to control Chuuya. Yes, Fyodor had tricked Nikolai, but that had been to save his life. Fyodor didn't want to control him, not the human that wanted to be as free as a bird. But Dazai wanted to keep his bird in its cage.

During the game in the prison, Dazai had forced Chuuya to pretend to be a vampire, and follow Fyodor through the facility. Fyodor had known the whole way along that Chuuya wasn't really a vampire, or under his control, but he'd played along with it. The idea that Dazai treated Chuuya the way he did, made Fyodor more than just a bit angry. One shouldn't treat the one they loved like that. It was then that the idea for it came into Fyodor's mind. Nikolai wasn't the only one Fyodor needed to save.

Fyodor watched Chuuya make his way out of the prison. Already, Fyodor had regenerated from his almost death in the helicopter. He'd meant what he told Dazai. "You can't kill me." Fyodor had already turned Nikolai. Nikolai had smiled when he had seen Fyodor coming. He'd hugged him, sobbed, apologized, and freely offered his neck for Fyodor to bite. Just like Fyodor thought he would. Nikolai would accept his salvation if it came in the form of fair loss at a game. But there was no way Chuuya would accept what Fyodor had to do. That was why Fyodor was going to have to do it before the great gravity manipulator could do anything to stop him.

Chuuya had halfway crossed the roof before Fyodor was upon him. It was Chuuya's reaction that sealed the deal here. He was so worried about Nikolai that he didn't think to look behind him. Anyone who would be that concerned about Fyodor's beloved was someone good. Fyodor grabbed Chuuya from behind, and sunk his teeth into his neck. Chuuya screamed, both from pain and surprise, and fought back for a few seconds before Fyodor's venom kicked in, and he went limp in Fyodor's arms.

Fyodor smiled to himself as he wiped Chuuya's blood off his lips. Fyodor has never turned a human before in his life, and now he'd turned two in as many hours. Saving Nikolai felt like Fyodor's life was complete, but rescuing Chuuya was an added bonus he wasn't counting on. Chuuya started to shake in Fyodor's arms as the transformation took hold. While Fyodor had never turned anybody in his life, he'd heard of what would happen. The change would be irreversible, and not even Dazai's ability cancellation could make Chuuya human again. When Chuuya and Nikolai woke up, they would be stronger in terms of their abilities, immortal, and almost invulnerable. They'd also be hungry for blood, so when Fyodor returned home, he'd have to have Teruko go out and kill some 'bad humans' for him.

Fyodor set Chuuya down next to Nikolai, and watched the transformation take hold in both of them. This was one of those moments in his life where he wondered what the actual hell he was doing. If Teruko was there, he was sure he'd get an earful. Changing one human was dangerous enough, but changing two was just downright reckless. And yet, Fyodor wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Fyodor watched these two people he cared about turn like him, and ran a hand through his hair. He had the feeling it was going to be a very long night.

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