Part eight:

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The phone line went dead in Fyodor's hands, and he looked paler than Nikolai had ever seen him, like the small amount of blood his body did have had completely drained from his face. "Nikolai. We have to go. Now. Can you get us to the airport?" Nikolai nodded. He had his coat, after all. "What's happening?" Nikolai asked. "Teruko says Fukuchi is attacking the airport again." Nikolai froze. Fukuchi was his former boss, someone that was supposed to be very, very dead. Then Nikolai remembered what Dazai had said about making a friend from the multiverse, one who wanted to kill the decay of angels. Fukuchi had always wanted to kill the decay of angels once they'd outlived their usefulness to him. It all made sense in a twisted sort of way. Wordlessly, Nikolai pulled out his coat, and teleported.

When Nikolai opened his eyes, everything was on fire. The entire airport was all blown up and burning, and there was plenty of evidence of a fight. The tiger boy from the agency was lying face down, having just been thrown through a truck. His port mafia boyfriend was unmoving beside him. What the heck had happened here? If one factored in the time zones and everything, Nikolai, Fyodor and Chuuya had only been gone for two hours. How had all this destruction happened already? Dazai must have had a plan with this alternate Fukuchi. Whenever the confrontation at the airport had happened, the other Fukuchi would show up to cause more destruction.

Nikolai looked around, but could see a middle aged sword wielding maniac anywhere. "Where's Fukuchi?" He asked. "Keep your eyes out for him. We should go look for survivors first." Chuuya nodded, and walked towards the collapsed truck. He bent down beside his fallen teammate. "Hey, Akutagawa." He said. "Open your eyes, okay?" He didn't wake up. "He has a pulse, and so does Atsushi." Chuuya said. "I don't know what's wrong with them. How come they aren't waking up?"

"I might have something to do with that." Nikolai turned around at the sound of Dazai's voice. "You see, Fukuchi makes any weapon a hundred times more powerful. So, all I had to do was rub a tiny drop of poison on his sword, and that would do the trick." Dazai and his poison. Nikolai and Fyodor exchanged glances. If Dazai was here, his new ally wouldn't be far behind. "I'll deal with Dazai." Chuuya said. "You two go check and see if anyone is able to fight." Nikolai nodded. He didn't want to leave Chuuya alone with Dazai, but he didn't have a choice. If Fukuchi was coming, they'd need everyone they could find.

Nikolai teleported some rubble out of a pile, and saw someone who looked like a young girl pinned under what appeared to be the collapsed roof. This must be Teruko. It wasn't so much her appearance as it was the angry look on her face that confirmed this for Nikolai. "You must be Nikolai." Teruko said. "Took you guys long enough." She sat up, and shook concrete dust out of her hair. It had been in a ponytail, and now hung down long, another sign that she was serious. The sky was a sort of orangish red color, and smoke hung in the air. "What happened here?"

"This other version of Fukuchi just showed up. He's worse than the first. He's taken over his home world, and killed all his opponents in order to get there. He also killed his family members, then felt bad about it, so came here to steal our versions of them." What was with this whole stealing people from the multiverse thing? That was clearly Dazai's idea, not Fukuchi's. Nikolai really didn't like the sound of this. "Where is he now?"

"Right behind you, Niko." Nikolai whirled around at the sound of Fukuchi's familiar voice. He was dressed in some kind of armor, and his spiky hair was slightly different. "And you, it seems, didn't stay dead." Teruko drew her sword. "I killed you in this universe, and I'll kill you again." She said. Fukuchi tilted his head to the side. "So, the previous me lost to you, eh?" He asked. "He must have been weak." Fukuchi's sword came out of nowhere, and skewered Teruko through the stomach, and the impact threw her several feet away.

"Sorry about that unpleasantness." Fukuchi said, his demeanor completely changing. He'd gone from terrifyingly angry to almost friendly. What was going on here? "But it's all good now, Nikolai. I'm happy I found you. Now, all that's left to do is find Fukuzawa, and then we can go home." Nikolai didn't understand. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I'm one of the decay of angels, aren't I? Shouldn't you be wanting to kill me?" Fukuchi smiled sadly, and reached down to give Nikolai a small pat on the head. Nikolai resisted the urge to immediately pull away.

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