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Lyla walks out of the house making her way towards Rick and Ian

Rick: How she doing?

Lyla: I don't honestly know. Anna's not here. Brian's not back yet?

Ian shakes his head, Lyla lets out a breath holding back tears in her eyes before stepping inside the RV.

Abraham: Good call on the transport.

Ian: Well we figured she'd be more comfortable.

Grady: It also means you got room for more.

Abraham: They're out there so we're gonna be there with you and you don't get tea drinker without getting me too. Besides my Hero Hair needs me.

He and Grady exchanges a look with each other

Grady: Damn straight.

They walks inside the RV. Vivian walks up

Rick: Honey, you don't need to---

Vivian: Rosy's out there so I have to go, Dad.

Eugene: What she said

He steps inside the RV. Jenna walks up but Ian grabs her arm

Ian: You sure you wanna go?

Jenna: Yeah I'm sure.

She smiles walking inside the RV, Ian sighs before stepping inside the RV.

Carl walks up to his dad and sister.

Vivian: You sure you wanna come?

Carl: Yeah I'm sure

He smiles stepping inside the RV. Gabriel walks up

Gabriel: We have 24 hour shifts set up on each of the watchtowers, each one of them fully supplied and ready.

Spencer walks up standing behind the priest.

Gabriel: In case that we're incurred upon, we have drivers assigned, evacuation and distraction, and the rendezvous we discussed. In the event of any emergency, my first priority is Judith. I will not fail either of you

Vivian smiles at him, slowly nodding her head.

Gabriel: Are you comfortable leaving me in charge of Alexandria's defense?

Rick and Vivian exchanges a look with each other.

Rick: Yes

He walks towards the RV and steps inside. Vivian stops at the door

Spencer: If the Saviors do show up.......I don't know, I'm thinking if it's not too late, should we try and make some kind of deal?

Vivian: Tell them to wait for me. I got a deal for em

She steps inside and closes the door. Rick and Ian shares a amused smirk with each other.

Ian: Let's go.

The RV drives through the gate down the street. Gabriel is standing on top of the lookout perch.


Abraham is driving the RV as Grady sits beside him in the passenger seat when they spot Saviors ahead of them in the road blocking their path.

Abraham: Bitch nuts

Grady: Fucking tea bag.

Rick: What?

Rick, Ian, and Vivian walks forward looking out towards the Saviors ahead of them.

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