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The scene fades in showing a knife being launched though the air hitting a walker in the forehead, Cami walks up and yanks the knife out of the walker's head.

Lyla and Maggie are walking through the woods

Maggie: What'd you tell RJ and Liam?

Lyla: Well, Viv took them to the roof and told them "Right now, moms are looking at the same stars as us."

Maggie: I said the same thing to Hershel

Lyla: So you and Cami........when'd you meet her?

Maggie: Three years ago.

Lyla: Are you happy?

Maggie: Yeah. Yeah I am.

Lyla: That's what Glenn would want for you, you know that, right?

Maggie: I know. They're out there under those same stars

Lyla: Yeah

Shaun and Lydia are loading up the wagon, Shaun slams the back shut.

Lydia: That should do it.

Shaun: Ready to push off?

Lydia: Yeah, on three.....

Lydia and Nabila grabs onto the wagon reigns and the wagon is pulled away revealing Negan on the other side. Maggie clenches her jaw glaring at him.

Lyla looks between both of them nervously.

Negan: Hey Maggie.

Cami walks out of the woods and grabs Maggie's hand pulling her away.

Lyla: How'd you expect that to happen?

She rolls her eyes, leaving.

Negan: Shit.


Daryl and Brian walks up to Vivian in the woods

Daryl: Hey

Brian: Sup

Vivian: Hey. Gabe and Rosy just left with the first group. Shaun and Lyla's getting the second group ready. Did Oceanside give an answer?

Daryl: Yeah and they'll take some. Raj and Jen's helping Luke gather up a dozen of em.

Brian: We can take the rest.

Daryl: Hi

Vivian spins around as Maggie and Cami walks up to them

Maggie: Hi. This is Cami.

Cami: Nice to meet you. Maggie's told me everything about you.

Cole: Maggie. Cam

Two of Maggie's people Cole and Elijah approaches them from behind the Dixon brothers.

Vivian: Who's that?

Maggie: These are our people.

Cami: Is everybody okay?

Cole: Hershel's fine. Don't worry

Maggie sighs in relief, nodding her head.

Maggie: Everybody else?

Cole: Holding tight at the rendezvous.

Maggie: Let's bring em back. Come on, I want you to meet my friends.

They walks over to the trio

Maggie: Viv, Daryl, Brian......Elijah and Cole.

Brian: Sup

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