Maiden Song

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The briefing room felt crowded when the large projection lamp lit up and showed a large three-dimensional map and Yorktown had climbed to the podium where she always stood during mission briefings.

''Is everyone present? If so, settle down.'' Yorktown said as she looked at the shipgirls who would be participating in the mission. And also the four pilots from The Trailblazers squadron.

''I said settle down!'' Yorktown reprimanded again with a more forceful and firm voice. Instantly the shipgirls quieted down while the pilots began to lean back in their respective seats.

''Really a tough woman, huh?'' Evelyn still had time to insinuate Yorktown from behind. Mason only shrugged when spoken to by Evelyn. Suddenly, both of Yorkie's eyes fell on Evelyn. She sigh for a while, then reprimanded her again with firm voice. ''Have something to say, Miss Witch?''


''Well, everyone listen up. You are instrumental in maintaining peace over the ocean for the sake of mankind. Until today.''

'According to reconnaissance information from Sheffield and Edinburgh, an unidentified fleet is approaching from the north. The fleet is estimated to have at least five destroyers, two heavy cruisers, and a super carrier carrying aerial combat drones and drone fighters. I want you to destroy the fleet before they reach our waters.''

''This mission will be followed by several shipgirls. Those who feel their names being called, stand up. I call, Enterprise, Biloxi, Javelin, San Diego, and San Jacinto.''

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TRAILBLAZERS : Aces from another world ( Azur Lane fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now