His care

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It's morning  now

Addison woke up due to the movement beside him so that lily was awake and she was trying to get down the bed in order to go to the bathroom but was not able to stand up.Addison noticed that she was trying to get down the bed and was not able stand up. So he asked her " Do you want to go somewhere"?. Lily nodded her head and said " I want to go freshen up ".After listening to this he picked her up and took her to the bathroom. He said "Call me when you are done.

It's been an hour since she went in the bathroom.  Addison went to the bathroom ,knocked on the door but didn't get the reply meanwhile She was busy in aggressively cleaning with a scrubber to that body area where Alex had forcefully touched and kissed her without caring the scratch the scrubber was giving due to aggressively rubbing. Addison again knocked on the door but she didn't reply so he went in and saw lily was aggressively rubbing the scrubber on the body without caring for the scratches. He said  "Stop it " But she didn't stop and she was busy in her World. So he slightly slapped her so that she could get out of her world. And it worked. He asked " What are you doing "?. She replied with  weak voice" I 'm  removing his touch please make yours.His touch is making me feel disgusting. Listening to this He said "I can do it you are not well. I promise I will do that once you are alright. He somehow convinced her and picked her up and made her sit on the bed and went down to bring something to eat for her.

He soon return with warm bowl of vegetables soup. And He said " The nurse  told that you left the vegetables. Hmm How it will work it??.

She scowl at him and whinced " Do you know it's so yuck and tasteless  it's even not worth of eating. You are like it's very  healthy. He laugh at her

" Alright my highness! what do you want to eat ? "He asked in defeat .She smiled lightly and replied "Chicken sandwich ".
He patted her head and said " Alright take rest I will bring it for you.

Addison went downstairs and  went in the kitchen . The cook was scared of seeing him in the kitchen and asked him " Have something wrong sir "? And he replied no and asked him for  the material required for making the sandwich and starting making the sandwich after getting the materials.

After a few  minutes he was done making sandwiches he went in their  room to feed lily. After reaching He asked " Lily when you are done. I will treat you wounds.  After she was done he treated her found and asked to rest

Skipped To Night

Suddenly lily started shouting and woke up crying saying "Please leave don't do this with me. Listening to her shout Addison woke up and immediately take her in his arm  and lay her down started combing and caressing her hair. Saying in soft and smoothly voice " Relax Dove I 'm here with you . You Addi is her with you nothing would happen. It started working and she started falling into deep slumber

Cold Mafia's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora