The Mysterious Male: Revelation

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            Liangyu stared at him for a minute, dumbfounded by what he had said. Sol watched her reaction closely and the shock turned to confusion then diffused into acceptance. He was a bit confused about the last emotion but took it all in.

"...... What do you mean by Prophecy?"

She said in a low and calm but serious voice. Sol looked at her then stared at the door.

'.... It seems the strange Peacock-like male has left....'

He was grateful for his co-bodyguard's lazy work ethic for once. He re-directed his attention to her and placed his forehead against hers and said,

"It's much better to see yourself...."

Before she could react, her consciousness went black and all she saw was white for only a moment then she saw vividly images of a female who was apparently sent to this continent to 585,000 years ago. Stranded in this strange world, much like Liangyu, she suffered much more, built up strength, found love and mated with several males, sired multiple cubs, built up a great force which dominated all the continents which were one at the time. She saw how she discovered the secret to ascension and Deities. The curse of the Corruption she received for seeking higher knowledge, how their world was threatened by foreign Deities and the great price her mates paid by offering themselves as sacrifices for her to instantly ascend and cure her of the Corruption. Her anger she launched against the invaders for causing the death of her loved ones and the emptiness she felt after their deaths.
She reigned over the Beastworld as it's new Deity to keep the world she and her mates struggled to develop alive. This female watched and defended this world for many millennia tirelessly, losing her strength with each Millennium which passed.
Alas, she stood solemnly on the clouds gazing at the world she sacrificed for as she watched the suns set and the 3 moons rise to their peak. It was then great wings like an eagle's sprouted from her back and she descended to the world. She spotted and approached a dying black Fox beastman. She drew a drop of blood which she let drop on it's forehead forming a teardrop shape. The Fox's breath got stronger and injuries healed as while he was beginning to gain consciousness, she spoke,

"'One will come much like me, they will be my successor. You shall never die till you find them and help them accomplish their mission....."'

She the spread her wings and flew away, leaving the barely conscious Fox.

           Then her vision returned back to reality. She looked dazed then confused as her eyes made their way to the soft eyes of the Fox male.

".... I have been waiting 130 years for the chosen one. I am Sol the 24th Prince of the Fox Clan and this continent's Prophet of the Beast Deity..... I am glad to have finally found you in such a short time......"

He smiled genuinely. Liangyu watched him and processed all he said thoroughly then glanced at the Corruption who had a black face and was staring the Fox down as if wanting to kill him there and then.

"'..... It's not true.....'"

Liangyu glanced back at Sol then sighed. Things were really getting complex nowadays.

"..... So now what?"

Sol was taken confused as he tilted his head at her, swaying his fluffy ears to the side.

"What do you now want me to do? I don't think you know this but with or without this Prophecy, I would still dominate. Am pretty sure I and my family are ready to wage war and conquer so I already get that but for you to still be alive means there's another thing...."

She narrowed her gaze at Sol who only smiled and nodded in understanding. He removed a crystal shard the color of his eyes from his cloak and gave it to her.

"Eat it like you would an emerald to get an interesting power...."

Liangyu looked at him suspiciously but took the crystal shard anyways and kept it under her pillow. She turned back to him as she saw an expectant look on his face.

".... You are downright suspicious and a threat to I, my family and my city. But, you have waited more than a century for me so imma do something which might be heartless...."

He listened. She stared straight into his eyes and in her most domineering tone she said,

".... Become my Guardian Beast until my family and I can fully trust you to be an official spouse..."

He blinked then smiled and took her hand which she kissed the back of and smirked.

"It would be my pleasure to be part of your family even as a Guardian Beast..."

It was a smooth move and Liangyu froze, blinked them turned and waved him away. He bowed then left. She breathed exasperatedly as she turned to face the Corruption.

".... What did you mean by, "It's not true."?"

She had a puzzled look on her face as the Corruption frowned even more.

"'... I am a curse which afflicts those who desire and thirst incessantly. That female you saw discovered the forbidden text but I didn't descend on her for she was pure. It was when she came back trying to attain the secret of immortality and overwhelming power did I descend on her. Her mates sacrificed themselves and it was later on she fought and was badly injured by Feng and Lei's Master who only retreated to let this world grow and to weaken her power for she was a Faux Deity. She suffers her injuries and lack of mates because of her greed...."'

Liangyu processed it all then asked,

"Why was I cursed with you?"

"Because you ate of the flesh of depravity and craved it more and more. Your desire for chaos and destruction festered and I afflicted you...... I am a punishment no Deity or mortal can escape without paying a hefty price...."

Liangyu frowned as she then realized the Corruption was a way the Master could use to control her. She chuckled darkly.

"Things are getting much more interesting......"

        Meanwhile, Litia sat in her unofficial office on the top floor thinking about stuff.

'.... Parker hasn't come here in a week but I always hear him fighting with the Snake..... Is he avoiding me?'

She wondered when the curtain was raised and in came Curtis who dumped Parker before Litia. Litia observed Parker calmly then stared down Curtis with killing intent. Curtis took a step back and watched her. The only females whose strength he feared was Alice, Rin and Liangyu's but the female who seemed fragile all this while frightened him.

".... He caught a cold and Qingqing said to bring him."

He said as dominantly as he could which she scoffed at. He left quickly as she began care for the sick Leopard while sighing.


         A certain serpent slept soundly. Suddenly, however, it's eyes opened and it hissed as it recognized where it was but felt as though someone called him. He brush it off and slept once more

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