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Hello everyone reading this.

This is my first ever book so don't judge. Even if it's just rants and vents.

I may just delete this someday so don't worry if it's just gone someday.

Yeah, I don't want anyone saying „oh but your life is so much better than mine I always have blah blah blah" because just, okay? Like, who asked?

If I sound rude I'm sorry I wrote this at like midnight and I was out of my mind-

Anyways, now to the real info.

1. I don't think this will turn into a real story.
2.this is just rants and vents which I write if I have time or if I have nothing to do or just shit happened.

3. if I see anybody being rude or racist/sexist
You will be blocked and muted (if I can idk)

4. I have no idea how this works so I'm here for advice-

5. yeah, just don't be mean and have a good time reading my sob stories. Yes you are allowed to laugh.

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