Chapter 1

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A/N: hello, I am so confused, how do all the authors make their texts bold? Please tell me the comments I am literally crying-


So now I'll begin with my little sob story yay.

Alright. This was like last month.
And I was just going to school like normal, when I saw one of my classmates who was normally pretty funny and I got along well with. Fast forward to a few minutes later I was talking like a waterfall and they stared at me as if I was absolutely crazy.

Also, later on they said I was annoying and just walked off so yeah-

But like weirdly enough the next day they came up to me and said „oh I'm sorry about yesterday that wasn't nice I'll make it up to you okay?"

Obviously I agreed because like they meant food. I ain't saying no to that.

(They never did. I never got my chocolate.)

Now they're just ignoring me and I've got nothing better to do than just talk with myself.

So, what do u do all the time?

Well, I really just sit on a random bench and stare at some kids playing. Or I sit on my phone and watch YouTube to ignore everything.

A/N: first story time done, I will ask my friend for any mistakes- y'know what no. They will laugh at me for sure.

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