Drinking contest or Date?

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It had been a few days since the potions incident. While Inside Tonic's former living room, now a potions lab. Ivory entered through the front door without knocking. "Tonic you have a bunch of old wine right?" Ivory asked. Ivory was wearing a new Doublet since the last one got ruined. When Ivory saw Tonic she got extremely red in the face. She was only wearing boxers and a bra. "Not even a hello?" Tonic said while stirring something in her cauldron. "W-why aren't you dressed?!" Ivory said flustered. Tonic responded annoyed "you came into MY house without knocking. So yeah you're gonna see stuff" she gestured to her chest. "And besides my wine is pretty strong. I don't think you want any" Tonic stated. Ivory felt insulted and responded "What are you trying to say! You think I can't handle my alcohol!" Tonic got an idea. She walked over to ivory. "Why don't you prove it with a drinking contest?" Tonic said. Ivory got a few inches from Tonic's face "Yes! And it'll be easy." Ivory boasted.

While Tonic was bringing out some wine. Ivory started sweating from the heat. "Why is it so hot in here?" Ivory asked. "I make potions and cauldrons need to be heated with fire. Just strip down like me" Tonic said. Ivory got red in the face again. "I- I can't..." Ivory said. Tonic asked why. Ivory then said "because Im not wearing panties" avoiding eye contact. "Why not just get naked" Tonic asked? Ivory's face was completely red with embarrassment. She didn't say anything she was too busy thinking about Tonic seeing her nude. What would she think? Would she wanna do anything? She tried to push those thoughts out of her head. Tonic then got an idea and quickly went to her bedroom before coming back. "You can just borrow a pair of mine. Don't know why I didn't think of that first" Tonic said. Ivory took the panties and got a new wave of lewd thoughts. She would be wearing Tonic's panties. She then thought about Tonic's pussy touching the same cloth she now holds. She shook her head to get rid of these extremely horny thoughts. She then put on the panties and took off her Doublet. Now she was just in a bra and panties in front of Tonic. She was embarrassed and aroused.

Tonic gestured to the wine bottles on the table. "Shall we begin?" Tonic said. Tonic poured them both a glass and set it in front of Ivory. They both begin casually sipping away and talking. Tonic talked about rare ingredients she wished she had access too. Ivory talked about her studies of the arcane. Showing off her magic by projecting a disembodied hand to pour herself another glass. What was supposed to be a drinking contest had become more of a date. A few hours of casual conversation and drinking lead to Tonic's bladder being full. She got up to use the bathroom Stumbling a bit. "Where are you going?" Ivory asked. "Gotta use the bathroom" Tonic stated. Ivory stumbled to her feet and said "wait I gotta go too." Tonic continued walking and told her "well you can wait" Ivory had to pee badly so she summoned a disembodied hand to lock the door. Tonic attempted to open the door to no effect. "Fine then! you go first" Tonic said impatiently. Ivory smiled from the small victory and rushed over to the door. She tried casting her spell to unlock the door, but was having trouble focusing. Seeing Tonic stand there desperate to pee made her feel all sorts of flustered and aroused. She kept trying but couldn't unlock the door. Then she thought of Tonic seeing her like this. Ivory got red in the face at the thought. "What's the hold up?" Tonic said while crossing her legs. "I can't open the door" Ivory said putting her hand over her crotch. "Why not" Tonic said before noticing Ivory was red in the face and wouldn't make eye contact. "Oooooh I see" Tonic said with a smile. "See what?" Ivory asked. "This is pay back for the potion!" Tonic said. Ivory looked surprised and said "no! I swear!" Tonic got closer to Ivory "are you sure? You look flustered" Ivory let out a squeak of frustration as her bladder leaked. A little bit of pee came out making a wet spot on her panties and flowing down her leg. "Oh no! I- its- just look away" Ivory said embarrassed.

"Looks like you're gonna piss yourself first" Tonic said mockingly. Ivory annoyed at the notion and went to push Tonic's bladder. Tonic dodged her and started trying to push Ivory's. Their scuffle leads them into Tonic's bedroom. Tonic pushes Ivory causing her to fall onto the bed. Tonic jumped onto Ivory and they wrestled on the bed until Tonics was on top. Ivory took the opportunity to tickle her sides causing her to lose control. Tonic let out a sigh of relief as hot piss began to soak her panties. And flowing onto Ivory's upper stomach soaking the bed below along with Ivory's bra. Ivory was caught off guard by the warm sensation and began to piss herself. She tried to hold it. A little bit came out before stopping. Then another little bit. But she just couldn't anymore and she let it flow out. The bed sheets were soaked. Both Ivory and Tonic were sweaty from the wrestling.

Tonic got off Ivory and laid next to her. Tonic stared at Ivory's soaked panties. She reached to touch the wet cloth before stopping herself. "Can I?" Tonic asked. Ivory got red in the face "you wanna touch... there? While it's... Soaked?" Ivory said in confusion. Tonic put her hand down and shrugged. "Wait! I mean you can... But it's gross!" Ivory said avoiding eye contact. Tonic excitedly reached down and pressed her fingers to the wet cloth. Ivory let out a quiet moan. Tonic rubbed the wet panties. Ivory twitched each time. "Can I touch your pussy" Tonic said while moving closer to Ivory on the bed. Practically whispering into Ivory ear. Ivory responded "we should wash up first" Tonic kissed Ivory and as she pulled back she said "Of course" Ivory was flustered at the kiss and wanted more. She grabbed Tonic's hips and pulled her in for more. Tonic moved to be on top of her again. As they made out Ivory slowly moved her hand from Tonic's sides to her ass and squeezed. Tonic pulled away and said "Didn't you wanna clean up" Ivory had lost herself in the heat of the moment. They both got up and went to the bathroom. Ivory could finally focus and open the door.

The two of them got in a bath together. By the time they got dressed the sexual tension had somewhat died down. It was late so Tonic gifted Ivory some wine. The two planned another date and Ivory was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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