Chapter 13

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Nightmare was lying down on the grass with Hessonite. They had officially known each other for about a month now, and were inseparable. When one of them had something to share, they would always get the other. Nightmare turned around on the ground and looked at Hessonite. She was gazing at the sky, probably counting clouds. Nightmare stood up to grab a fish from the nearby lake. "Whatcha doin?" Hessonite called over to Nightmare. "Getting some fish." He answered. Hessonite rose up from the ground. "I'll come too," She said.

At the lake, Nightmare splashed in and dunked his head underwater, snapping at the wriggling silver fish, caught one, and shot back up toward the surface. He heard a yelp and quickly turned around, to discover that Hessonite was drenched with water because of the humongous splash Nightmare had made. Nightmare laughed. "Oops! Sorry!" Hessonite plunged into the water as well, and left a wave that cascaded over Nightmare. He came up coughing and sputtering, but seeing Hessonite and her snickering face made it worthwhile. Together they laughed and laughed and splashed each other until the sun was long gone, and they returned to their homes.

Two Years Later...

Nightmare woke up with Hessonite by his side. She was so comforting to sleep by. I am safe with her... He thought to himself. I think it's about time I get up.. He stretched and gazed up at the rising sun, in the distance. Then he looked back at hessonite. Her beautiful scales reflected the light from the slowly brightening sky. If anyone dares to hurt her, I will shred them to pieces. Turn the whole world into ash if I have to. Hessonite grunted, slowly blinking and finally spotted Nightmare. She smiled and lifted her neck to talk to him. "What should we do today?" She asked. Nightmare shrugged. "Take a trip to Sunlit island?" He suggested. Hessonite thought about it for a moment, then finally answered, "Do you want to have someone else in our family? Maybe an Heir?" Nightmare shook his head firmly. "No. No dragonets yet. Just me and you... For now." He added after seeing the heartbroken look on Hessonite's face. Hessonite sighed. "Alright. You and me. For now." She repeated. She too stretched, and put her happy expression back on. "You sure you wanna go to Sunlit Island today you big galoot?" She teased. Hessonite made Nightmare feel so happy. He never wanted to be separated from her.

"Wherever you like." Nightmare replied.

Flying was no problem for a Solarclaw. Especially one that was on a couple spree (Whatever that meant) The morning light over the ocean passed through Hessonite's wings and she winked at Nightmare. "How about a race or two?" She nudged Nightmare's wing, causing him to almost fall into the ocean. "No. You know you will win." Nightmare huffed. "Aw, c'mon! Just one itsy bitsy challenge! It's so boring out here with no land in any direction!" She insisted. Nightmare wanted to make Hessonite happy. He wanted to see her laughing and smiling. Whatever it would take, he would do it. "Alright." he hesitated. Hessonite did a flip in the air and started counting. "Three... Two... One... GO!!!" They took off at top speed, dancing above the clouds and skimming the surface of the sea. A few minutes passed by, and Nightmare had started to lose. He shot out a burst of fire toward the back of him, which started to propel him forward, and in front of Hessonite. "Aha!" Hessonite shouted over the roaring wind. "If you can do that, I can, too!" She did the same until they were both tied. Hessonite grinned, and whipped her tail around to unbalance Nightmare. "SEE YOU LATER!!!" She called and her wings disappeared into the following cloud. Nightmare let out a yelp as he crashed into the ocean. He spread his wings like a parachute and twisted a couple times, managing to lift himself upright before he plunged too far into the green waters. Hessonite was already waiting on an island, swishing her tail and laughing. Nightmare crashed into Hessonite and they both lay in a heap on the grass. "Good game!" Hessonite managed to wheeze out in between her delightful roaring.

They were walking in the jungle until they'd finally managed to weave their way through the tangles of vines and leaves to a clearing. "You wanna stay here?" Hessonite asked. Nightmare nodded, too busy looking at all the flora and fauna to give a proper response. "You sure this place is safe?" Nightmare finally questioned. Hessonite hesitated, and nodded all at the same time. Nightmare was quite worried. Hessonite was a very cheerful, positive and energetic dragon, but sometimes she looked like she was about to explode into a million shimmering pieces of despair and worry. Nightmare also knew that she was a foretelling dragon (Nightmare was too but his powers were way weaker than Hessonite's,) so he should definitely be concerned when Hessonite was fidgety. Nightmare looked straight into Hessonite's eyes. "Tell me. I know something's on your mind." Hessonite clenched her talons and replied, "Our kingdom is going to be attacked. Very, very soon." Nightmare's eyes widened. "Under the light of a full moon..." He recited. "And the attack will be from Sunlit Island." Hessonite whispered Nightmare felt pieces click together in his head. "Oh. So that's why you wanted to distract me from the subject, back at our homeland. That's why you wanted to come some other day." He said. Hessonite smiled a half smile. "Yes. I'm so glad I have a genius on my hands." She remarked. "Well, let's get out of here!" Nightmare bellowed. Hessonite grinned, and together they made their way back to the Solarclaw kingdom.

They had landed back on their home and had started to unpack their things. Nightmare pricked his ears. He thought he heard someone running in their direction. Oh no. They've come to kill Hessonite. I will protect her. Be dangerous. Stay safe. Be on alert. Nightmare bristled, getting ready for a fight. A dragon stumbled onto their porch. It was not an enemy from Sunlit Island... It was a Solarclaw. Hessonite looked up. "Who is he?" she asked Nightmare. "I don't know." He responded. The strange dragon stammered gasping and panting in the middle of their terrain. "Th-There's a-someone coming. I was sent to warn all the dragons on the outskirts of our kingdom. A large wing of serpents and hydras are headed this way! Evacuate now!" Hessonite stared at the messenger, then at Nightmare. "What are you waiting for!? Let's go!!!" Hessonite roared. Nightmare stood there, thinking. "Hey, strange dragon," He said to the Solarclaw. "Is there any chance we can join the fight?"

They were flying, flying fast to the center of their domain. Nightmare had talked Hessonite into saving their tribe, but she was still reluctant. Smoke was already billowing up from the palace. Blue smoke. That's definitely the Solarclaws putting up a fight. Hessonite looked up at Nightmare and pointed to a place with no fire. A place they could safely land. "That way!" She spoke in an urgent voice that sent chills down Nightmare's frill. They changed the course of their flight and landed on top of the trees. From there they could clearly see the dragons and serpents at war. Nightmare pulled Hessonite closer to him. "Let's go out there and fight for our tribe.

Songbird, Book 1: Sun's ArrivalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя