Chapter 23

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The sleep was long and dreamless. She had dreams about no dreams. No dreams about dreams. Everything was quiet. But then there was this one slight flicker of a picture. Horizon, laughing. Then sinking her claws into Nightmare's shoulders, then in a heap on the ground covered in blood. Everything is over... A voice whispered in her head. You are mine... then of Volt, grasping onto her, desperate to get his claws in her brain.

Thunder Strike woke up slowly, To the sun high in the sky. The next day? She thought wearily. She sat up, and discovered that her wing was bandaged up, the white cloth wrapped around the torn part of her wing with ever so delicate gentleness. Bet I can guess who did- Tia couldn't even finish her thought until a golden dragon came up and hugged her fiercely. "Sunfyre..." Thunder Strike sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"We brought you home. You're home now! You did it, Tia! You killed... you killed Nightmare!" Sunfyre tried to say in a happy voice. Thunder Strike could still hear the sadness in his tone. A sudden memory. Burnt scales, roaring, the look of pain and despair on his face. Tia felt so guilty. So guilty. Thunder Strike shuttered, as much as she could with her weak body. "I'm a monster..." She whispered in Sun's ears. Sunfyre shook his head. "The world is at peace now. It's at peace because of you. You're not a monster. Don't EVER say that, please." Sunfyre said. Tia closed her eyes, trying not to cry. Time to get up... Thunder Strike thought. She sat up from her nest and walked slowly over to the living room. She stood there, looking at the curtains and carpets, glad to have seen them again. Then she was bombarded by ONE HUNDRED dragons hugging her. "Hey!" Thunder Strike yelped with happiness. Everyone let go, leaving Moon standing there. "Listen-" Tia started, "NO." Stella interrupted firmly. "We're sorry. Right, Ivory?" She added. Thunder Strike raised an eyebrow. "So, You killed my sister?" She asked Ivory. Ivory slowly nodded and hissed. "I'm SORRY alright!?" She spat. Tia sighed. "Fine. Alright. I guess I was a little harsh as well." Moon and Thunder Strike exchanged some tail flicks. Then Moon walked away to their sleeping corner. Sunfyre rolled his eyes. "Well, we're so glad you're safe, Tia. I-the-when you fell-you just-it's hard to imagine, that's all. With your torn up body-I just can't-" "Stop." Thunder Strike said, holding up one talon. "It's alright. I'm fine." She continued. Sunfyre smiled, then his smile quickly faded. "Tia, I'm going home to my tribe now. I need to help them recuperate now." Thunder Strike completely sympathized with Sunfyre. "A-alright." She said, Sunfyre twined his tail around hers. "See you around, Thunder Strike." He said. "Yeah. See you around, Sunfyre." She responded. "Unbreak a leg for me." Sun said. Tia laughed. "Okay, now that is funny." She giggled. And just like that, Sunfyre flew away, back to Soul Island.

There they were, outside Thunder Strike's home. "We did it." Said Eclipse "We saved the world." Nebula commented. Monochrome nudged her side. "Yes!" She chirped. Serpent slithered into the river nearby and Hailstorm followed, which made Eclipse yelp and go after them too. Pearl nudged Tia's side. "Well? What shall we do next?" She asked Thunder Strike.

I am Thunder Strike. I have survived several injuries, witnessed many betrayals, and been through a lot these past few weeks. But I have learned. Trust, retaliation, war, backstabber, the unknown. Me and my friends, and Sunfyre will face it all together. I, Thunder Strike, am ready.

Thunder Strike nodded. "Let's wait and see. I can't wait for the future to unfold itself."

Songbird, Book 1: Sun's ArrivalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora