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The recovery seemed to be going fine. Everyone was healing their wounds from the war, and only a few had passed. Aurora hissed as her nurse cleaned the wound on her back after she had slammed into a mountain. "Hey, watch it!" She declared in a guarded tone. The nurse only nodded, and moved on. I'm glad that stupid war is over. That Nightmare was a total nightmare.

Sunfyre was in his kingdom, helping to expand the palace walls and the recuperating Blazehorns that had been injured. Even though his claws were busy, his mind kept on thinking, Tia Tia Tia Over and over again. His queen saw the looks. "Got someone on your mind?" She asked. "N-no... I mean... Yes your majesty. Could I go to the network center?" Queen Neutron thought for a moment and excused him. He flew to the tower and called someone on the telephone.

Sunbeam was so happy. Nightmare was dead. Her brother's murder was now gone. Nightmare... wish he'd had a more painful death. Sunbeam thought of everyone who'd helped. She thought of the war and Horizon. She thought of everyone that had risked their lives in a battle to the death. I know everything will be better after this...

The memorial for Horizon was in the middle of the City of hope. Summer placed a vase of flowers down on the floor where many other gifts lay. She did us good. The little serpent thought. She was too small to have fought in a war, only twelve, but had heard the story enough times. Horizon was a hero, and so was everyone else in that war...

—-------------------------Thunder Strike—------------------------

Sunfyre had told her many times-she did the right thing. Killing Nightmare was the right thing. Even though she mostly believed that, she couldn't stop her mind from whirring. Guilty guilty guilty Over and over again. Stella walked over. "Your someone is calling!" She pointed to the forest cave. Tia choked on the food she was eating. "Wh-what?" Stella giggled. "Come here. I saw the look on your face the last time he called!" Thunder Strike took three deep breaths, calming her breathing and walked over to the glowing pond.

The pond could deliver calls, and a shape would stand in the reflections. (Whoever was calling.) Tia slowly reached over to tap the water lightly. Once, twice, three times. "Hello?" Sunfyre said on the other end. Thunder Strike started. "H-hi!" She said, baffled. Sunfyre held his breath on the other side of the line. "J-just wondering..." Tia tilted her head at the reflection. "The queen doesn't need my help anymore... so I... I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies with me?" Stella was staring at Thunder Strike and mouthed the word, "Yes!" Tia shook herself, and stomped her emotions flat. "I-I'd love to." She answered.


help-the end was so corny-

Thanks for staying around this long :)

The reason I was able to write this in one sitting was because I already wrote it on docs so I just copy and pasted it on here

working on book two right now!

byeeee :3

Songbird, Book 1: Sun's ArrivalWhere stories live. Discover now