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Rishabh: yaa that was her.. you heard it right.. it's our preeta ji.. rajveer(he was cut off by Rajveer)

Raj: soo.. what do u guys want now??..

Karan: hey.. is this how you speak to rishabh now??

Raj: situation changed sir.. upss sorry .. MR KARAN LUTHRA

Rishabh: rajveer.. what happened to you.. why are you acting strange out of the blue..

Rajveer: me? I really didn't believe when I heard about you all that you change your character and position quicker than the  chameleon changes its colour..but today.. i saw it.. clearly

Weren't you guys calling me a jerk and an orphan like a moment ago before my phone rang?? Weren't you Mr. Karan Luthra throwing me out of this house and office cause of some unjustified reasons?? You guys are really having the audacity to talk to me like nothing has ever happened  .. oh goodness. How come Sammy is from this same family?? I really wonder how you guys are like this .. the Luthras with such bad characters..

Karan: oh please.. still I'll call you an orphan cause you are.. wait.. now I can tell clearly how you are connected to Mr Sameer.. as he is still with Mrs. Srishti Arora and my preeta .. preeta would have adopted you in order to fill the space of My shaurya and rudra in her life.. so basically you are my shaurya's substitute (laughed historically teasing)

Sameer: common mr karan Luthra .. I do say it again .. i regret the day I told bhabhi that you are a  good person and will look after her until his last.. i really regret telling her those,, I wish she never came back after leaving you for the 1st time.. i really wish shaurya and kavya have not grown up seeing you instead of bhabhi..I wish..

but yaa..(chuckles sadly) i made the right decision keeping her away from you 25 damn years ago.. I would have really regretted again if I told her about you all and got her back to this house..cause I'm pretty Sure by now that by this long timeline you all would have thrown her out a minimum of 5 times and she would come here again shamelessly as she did all the time thinking about her children.. leaving her self respect behind.. just thinking about your wellbeing which she always wished for..

Rajveer: and Sammy the twist of the plot is that they are searching for maa just as she left them and they never threw her out of this house., out of their lives saying never to get back.. snatching her children away from her rudely.. leaving behind a mother of 3 with nothing in middle of the night..and again.. AGAIN., saying she is HIS PREETA..
From which side  mr karan luthra .. What made you think that she is still yours.. from which dimension do you still think that you deserve her even a bit let alone telling that she is yours..

I really wish I could throw you out of this house by now right at this moment cause something that Mr. Rishabh Luthra hasn't told you yet that you have also lost your rights on this damn house., cause you are bankrupted .. you know why I'm still not doing that??..


She taught me to respect all .. unless something your parents could have taught you..

Karan: how dare you tell about my parents upbringing..you nalayak insaan..

Rajveer: well calling me nalayak is better than me saying someone that my dad is you who threw my mom out and have no idea what is respect.,what is love .. what is trust.. what is meaning of a life partner what is meaning of life.. and specially what is the bond between a father and a child,, just cause I've seen how you are behaving with Shaurya and blaming him for even his smallest mistake and moreover blaming mom cause you thought its her mistake not coming into this house back shamelessly cause her children is here... You haven't even thought out once that all these on his behaviour could be something he saw in your doings Mr. karan luthra..

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