burden (AU + fanchildren)

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A/N : HEYYYYYYY guess who's back again. me!!! pretend like i didn't dissapear for a... few months okay? okay!
this oneshot is much less a doll and uzi oneshot and more of a fankid oneshot but it still counts BECAUSE ITS A DOLLZI FANKID ok? okay!!!!!!

TW : talk of suicide / attempt

nora stood against the wall٫ a knife held to her throat. the silence was unberably loud٫ and she just wanted it to end.

she could have chosen٫ of course٫ to leave the room and go find her insanely loud and annoying sister. that most definetly would help end the silence. but that's not what she really wanted. no. she wanted the silence to end forever. and what better way to do that than to end it herself?

she drew the knife away from her neck٫ staring at her reflection. god٫ what a waste of code she was. she shouldn't even exist. she wasn't even supposed to exist. she knew what her sister didn't. it didn't matter. the knowledge she retained would soon be useless. once again٫ she held the knife up to her throat٫ this time for the last time.

or٫ it would have been.

the door to the dark room slid open and doll walked in. "Нора? ты в он-" she stopped mid-sentence٫ seeing the weapon nora had put against her own throat. shit.
[nora? are you in he-]

they stared at each other for what felt like ages but was probably only a few seconds before doll used her solver to grab the knife and yank it away from nora. nora reached for the knife again٫ but when she did٫ the knife wasn't a knife anymore. doll used her solver to change the matter of her suicide weapon into nothing but dust. shit... shit shit shit....! she wasn't supposed to be here! "Нора..." they stared at each other again٫ and tears began to run down nora's visor.

she fell onto her knees٫ holding her hand to her throat. "i'm sorry..... i can't do anything right٫ mom..." she whispered٫ looking away from doll. how could she look at her mother٫ after she just failed again? god٫ it's so pathetic how every little thing she does٫ she always fails at it.

suddenly٫ she felt a hand on her cheek. she looked up٫ seeing doll. "Нора, пожалуйста. Поговори со мной."
[nora٫ please. talk to me.]

nora looked into her visor٫ seeing the eyes of a stressed and concerned mother. she looked away again. "...i know that i wasn't supposed to exist."

silence. "что?"

"i wasn't.... we weren't supposed to exist. me and sera. you didn't- you didn't want us. you didn't know you would have us." tears ran down her visor. "we're just a burden to you. a waste of material and code."

"Нора..." doll's voice cracked.

"a-and i thought٫ maybe if i can leave٫ i won't be a burden to you٫ and-"

suddenly٫ she felt doll's arms wrap around her. "Нора. останавливаться."
[nora. stop.]

nora sat shocked for a minute٫ then hugged back. "...i'm sorry.."

"тебе не за что извиняться, дорогая..." [you have nothing to apologize for٫ sweetheart..] doll's voice cracked slightly. "ты никогда не должен был знать о том, что произошло. я- мы не хотели, чтобы ты знал обо всех этих ужасных вещах. да, вы двое не были частью плана, но Нора. мы очень любим тебя и твою сестру. у нас не было бы другого пути." nora felt her face being lifted٫ and she looked at her mother.
[you were never supposed to know about what happened. i- we didn't want you to know about all that horrible stuff. yes٫ you two weren't a part of the plan٫ but nora. we love you and your sister so much. we wouldn't have it any other way.]

"посмотри на меня. ты не обуза. ни один из вас не является бременем. вы — наши дети, и хотя мы, возможно, не знаем, как выразить, как сильно мы заботимся о вас, мы это делаем. твоя мама делает. я делаю. никогда не думай иначе, окей, нора?"
[look at me. you are not a burden. neither of you are burdens. you are our children٫ and even though we may not know how to express how much we care for you٫ we do. your mom does. i do. don't ever think otherwise٫ okay٫ nora?]

she softly nodded. doll hugged her again. "...please don't tell mom or my sister about this.."

doll nodded. "я люблю тебя, Нора."
[i love you٫ nora.]

"i... i love you too٫ mom."

word count : 724

look at them fankids

look at them fankids

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