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I came up with this idea٫ put it in someone's ngls cuz i got lazy٫ but upon seeing it again i felt like writing it so. this is what you're getting

 this is what you're getting

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ok we cool? cool.

Doll walked down the school halls٫ just kind of wandering around٫ not sure what she was doing or where she was going. She took notice of Uzi٫ who was putting some books away in their locker. Eh٫ might as well say hi. She approached them٫ leaning against the locker. [not in a flirtatious way. freaks./j] "привет, узи. Как вы?" [hello٫ uzi. how are you?] she asked.

"fine," they said٫ in a much quieter tone than they usually spoke in.

She raised an eyebrow. "вы уверены?" [are you sure?] she said٫ suspicious.

"yes. perfectly fine." they shut their locker٫ turning to leave without looking at Doll.

She followed them. "ты не очень хорошо говоришь, узи." [you don't sound fine٫ uzi.]

"it dosen't matter what i sound like٫ i'm fine."

Doll groaned and teleported in front of Uzi٫ who quickly covered their right eye with their hand. "узи, опусти руку." [uzi٫ put your hand down.]

They rolled their eyes and put it down٫ showing that their hair was still covering their right eye. Doll reached a hand out to push their hair out of their face٫ which they quickly batted away. "don't touch me٫" they said٫ holding back a cough.

"ты очень упрямый٫" [you're really stubborn٫] she said٫ using her solver to hold their hands down as she pushed their hair away. Their eye was slightly glitchy٫ with a warning symbol and the words "VIRUS DETECTED" underneath it. Doll just stared at Uzi٫ who seemed very nervous about this. "серьезно?" [seriously?]

She let go of their hands٫ and they batted her hand away again٫ pushing the hair back over their eye. "it's not that bad. i'll be fine. i am fine٫" they said.

"когда вы последний раз обновляли антивирус?" [when did you last update your antivirus?] she asked.

"what's it to you?"

"узи." [uzi.]

they were silent for a moment. "...6 months ago..."

Doll groaned. "uzi٫, вы должны обновлять его каждые 2 месяца." [uzi٫ you're supposed to update it every 2 months.]

"i'm- it's fine!!! it'll clear up on its own٫" they coughed.

She shook her head٫ pressing her hand up against her visor. "ты не сдаешься.... хорошо. если ты не собираешься позаботиться о себе, я сделаю это за тебя." [you don't give up.... fine. if you're not gonna take care of yourself٫ i'll do it for you.] she took uzi's hand and teleported herself to their room.

Uzi seemed a bit shaken by the random teleporting٫ and held her head for a moment - something they didn't normally do when Doll teleported. She sighed. "нужно лечь и дать антивирусу обновиться." [you need to lay down and let your antivirus update.]

"no i [cough] don't!! i'm fine!!" they protested.

She sighed and picked them up bridal style٫ carrying them to their bed. They seemed a bit shocked by her strength and how she was able to nearly effortlessly lift them up. She placed them down on their bed٫ turning to look at their desk. "оставаться в постели. я принесу тебе немного масла или что-то в этом роде." [stay in bed. i'll get you some oil or something.] she turned back to look at uzi. "ох, и пусть ваш антивирус обновится. ты настоящий идиот." [oh٫ and let your antivirus update. you are a genuine idiot.] and with that٫ she teleported away into her kitchen.

When she came back a while later٫ Uzi was passed out in their bed. Doll went over to check their visor٫ and saw a loading symbol in the corner underneath REST MODE. Not sleep mode٫ not entirely unconcious٫ but rather letting the antivirus update. She sighed. Antivirus updates usually take about an hour٫ so it would take about three hours to make up for the 3 updates they'd stupidly missed. She brushed Uzi's hair away٫ and gave them a little peck on the cheek. They probably didn't notice٫ but that was okay. She sat the oil and bug soup she'd made on their desk٫ and teleported away٫ leaving them to rest.

word count: 698

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