sunny day [requested]

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This oneshot was requested by @Froggman1 !

A/N: this is probably gonna end up being a twoshot because i do what i want ok enjoy

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A/N: this is probably gonna end up being a twoshot because i do what i want ok enjoy

Doll sat inside the abandoned DD pod she had found. The sun was so insanely bright today٫ and it was driving her mad. She would much rather sit in darkness٫ thank you very much. She stayed away from the one uncovered window٫ which let the light through٫ but it wasn't that big of an area that the light hit٫ thankfully.

Sighing٫ she pulled up an ebook on her visor and began to read٫ still having some veiw of the window٫ when she noticed the light dim slightly٫ then go back to being bright. She x'ed out of the ebook and stared at it٫ confused.

Then she heard noises against the pod٫ almost like someone was trying to get in? She used her solver to grab a sharp nearby object٫ and pointed it at the entrance٫ unsure if what was coming in was a threat or not. She saw a shadow of what seemed to be a dissasembly drone. Well٫ shit.

The drone jumped - no٫ more like fell - into the pod٫ looking rather disfigured. It had dark purple hair and a black fur hoodie on. It didn't seem to notice Doll at first٫ as it was more focused on healing itself from... whatever had happened. It spit on itself٫ and she watched as the saliva healed one of its arm wounds. That's when it looked up٫ and saw Doll holding the sharp peice of... whatever she'd grabbed. They kind of just stared at each other for a minute before the dissasembly drone spoke. "Can I help you?" it asked٫ in a more sarcastic tone.

Doll just stared. "...что?" [what?] she asked٫ very confused.

"Can. I. Help. You?" they repeated.

"ты приходишь сюда, изуродованный, пытаясь исцелиться от того, что с тобой случилось, ты видишь меня, БУКВАЛЬНО ДЕРЖАЩЕГО ОРУЖИЕ, которым я мог бы УБИТЬ ТЕБЯ в любой момент, если бы захотел, и твоя первая мысль - сказать: «Могу ли я тебе помочь?»" [you come in here٫ disfigured٫ trying to heal from whatever happened to you٫ you see me LITERALLY HOLDING A WEAPON that i could KILL YOU WITH at any moment if i wanted٫ and your first idea is to say 'can i help you?']

"You're in my pod. I live here. Are you fucking stupid or something?"

Doll groaned. Of course the pod wasn't actually abandoned. It belonged to this idiot of a dissasembly drone. "почему ты здесь." [why are you here.]

They looked at her٫ dumbfounded. "I just said I live here. Are you dumb?" they sighed. "Whatever. Why are you here?"

Doll just pointed to the light coming through the window. They looked at it٫ then back at her. "You get hurt by the sun too٫ I'm guessing."

She rolled her eyes. "что бы ни. я останусь здесь, пока солнце не зайдет." [whatever. i'm staying here till the sun goes away.]

"Well so am I. So get comfortable."

She groaned. Well٫ they're gonna be stuck here for a while. "отлично. как вас зовут." [fine. what is your name?]

"Serial Designation U. But I go by Uzi. And you?"

"кукла." [doll.]

"Fitting name for a stuck-up brat like you."

"в чем, черт возьми, твоя проблема?" [what the fuck is your problem?]

"What my problem is٫ is that you snuck into MY POD and then had the audacity to be annoyed when I came into my own pod to hide from the sun٫ much like YOU are hiding from the sun. I should be asking you what YOUR problem is."

Doll glared daggers at Uzi. But she had to admit٫ they had a point. Who was she to be rude towards a drone who hadn't done anything to harm her٫ and even asked if there was anything they could help her with [even if it was sarcastic]? That didn't mean she trusted them٫ though. They are a dissasembly drone٫ after all - even if they were a nice murderous monster٫ they were a murderous monster nonetheless. She just turned away from Uzi and continued to read her book.

Uzi took notice of this and smirked. "Turning away from me already? Too scared to admit that I'm right?"

"Я решил, что больше не буду иметь дело с твоей ерундой." [i've decided i'm not going to deal with your bullshit anymore.]

"Damn. I was starting to enjoy the sexual tension we were building up."

Doll closed her ebook tab and stood up٫ turning to yell at Uzi. "ВЫ ЗАБЛУЖДАЕТЕСЬ?!?!" [ARE YOU FUCKING DELUSIONAL?!?!] she screamed٫ pointing the sharp object against Uzi's throat. She stared into their eyes٫ almost as if she was daring them to speak. "ты назовешь это сексуальным напряжением ЕЩЕ ОДИН ЧЕРТОВЫЙ РАЗ, и я перережу тебе горло и разрежу тебя на куски, КОНЕЧНОСТЬ ЗА КОНЕЧНОСТЬЮ. Вы меня понимаете?" [you call it sexual tension ONE MORE FUCKING TIME and i am going to slit your throat and cut you into peices LIMB BY LIMB. you understand me?] she growled.

Uzi seemed relatively unphased. A bit suprised٫ but not really that scared. "Can't a drone joke around a bit? Jeez."

"твоя дурацкая идея шутки тебя убьет. мной или каким-то другим дроном, который не сможет справиться с вашей чушью так, как я. так что считай, что тебе чертовски повезло, сука." [your fucked up idea of a joke is going to get you killed. by me or by some other drone who will not be able to handle your bullshit like i can. so consider yourself fucking lucky, you bitch.] she pushed the object up against their throat.

"No need to swear like a sailor." how they knew that human saying٫ Doll had not a clue٫ but besides the point. She groaned and sat back down٫ still glaring daggers at Uzi. They'd be stuck there together until the sun went away٫ and by the rate this was going٫ it would take forever for it to darken again.

How fun this will be.

word count: 1001

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