#54 - You surprise him on tour

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Harry: It was horrible; this cycle that you were in. It went like this: wake up, call Harry, take a shower, listen to sad songs and think about Harry, get dressed, miss Harry, go to bed, dream of Harry. And repeat. It sucked because he was on tour and you still had six months of feeling lonely and wishing he was there to sing you to sleep. You thought you couldn't handle the pain of missing him anymore, so you pulled out your notebook and starting writing like an inspired author. After an hour of trial and error, you finally had a final plan. Your plan was to call management and schedule surprising Harry at one of his shows. After hours of pleading and convincing, they agreed to pick you up at the airport and drive you to the arena before the show began.
You tried to be secretive about the whole thing. You wanted to just call Harry and tell him how excited you were to see him soon. But, you successfully kept quiet until the show started.
After your boyfriend and his band finished their first few songs, they came backstage for an intermission. You hid in Harry's dressing room as patiently as you could.
When he opened the door, you simply said, "Hey, Harry."
It didn't even phase him at first when he said, "Hey, Y/N." But when he realized it was you, he sprang up in excitement. "Y/N! Love, get over here!" He engulfs you in a bear hug as you grin, slightly struggling for breath. He planted wet, sloppy kisses all over your face. "How'd you get here?" He said in between kissing you and giggling.
"I called management and begged them to fly me out here and let me surprise you." You said with confidence in your voice. He gave one long kiss on your kiss on your lips.
"I love you. Like, a lot." He said.
"I love you like a lot too, Harry."

Niall: You really didn't plan it. You just wanted to see Niall so you asked him what city he was in and went with it.
"London, why?" He said when you had asked him where the tour brought him that day.
"Just wondering. I gotta go, hope you have fun!" You hang up, eager to look up flights to London.
When you landed in London, you found your hotel and unpacked. You then called Niall.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Hey, babe. What are you doing?" You ask, looking out of your hotel window to see people walking around in the busy streets.
"Going to visit Big Ben! What about you?"
Aha, Big Ben. That's where you would surprise him. Quickly, you made up a lie on the spot.
"Oh, just studying. Anyway, I should take a shower," you start to giggle as you know all of this is completely false. "Love you, miss you, bye!"
Then, you check yourself in the mirror once before rushing out of the door on your way to see your boyfriend.
Once you're at the huge tower, you can't find Niall. All you can find is Louis, and you run up to him.
"Where's Niall?" You say.
His eyes widen as he wraps his arms around you. "Y/N! You're here!"
"Louis, put me down and shut up! I don't want Niall to know I'm here yet."
"Sassy. Okay, he's over here." He grips your wrist and leads you to a blonde boy facing away from you.
You sneak up to him. On your way, making eye contact with Harry, whom you put a finger to your lips to keep him quiet.
Wrapping your arms around Niall, he nearly jumps higher than the tower. "Liam, sto-" He says, but once he turns around and realizes it's you, he hugs you tightly. Niall chants your name and kisses your cheek over and over again.
"I missed you so much." He murmurs.

Louis: Your child was often confused about Lou not being around her. She'd wake up in a cold sweat and mumble, "Daddy..." Obviously missing him. You soothed her best you could, as you missed him as well. So, you bought tickets to the concert that was in your town tonight. You thought it would be so nice for your daughter, since she missed him so much.
You waited backstage as Louis and the band finished the song. They were nearly done when your daughter ran onstage and hugged Louis' leg. The crowd fell into "awwws" as you cursed under your breath, shuffling awkwardly onstage to get your toddler. By the time you reached her, she was in Louis' arms and the band was singing to her. "Y/N, I can't believe you did this." He said into your ear.
Next thing you knew, you were being carried bridal style backstage by your boyfriend. Backstage, you hugged about nine hundred times and talked about how much you missed each other.

Liam: Your plan to meet Liam on your didn't go very well. Harry had set it all up. You were currently in the back of a car being drove by Harry, and he was taking you to where Liam was. Harry had previously said that Liam was going to be with Niall, at a cafe writing songs all day. So, that's where he brought you. He politely opened your door and guided you into the cafe. You felt so confident and excited, you hid behind Harry so Liam or Niall wouldn't notice you before you could surprise him.
Scanning the room, you couldn't see your boyfriend or Niall yet. You and Harry searched the large cafe for about twenty minutes but, to your dismay, Liam was nowhere to be seen.
"Harry," you whisper shouted, growing anxious. "Where's Liam?"
You see Harry glance down at his watch. "Hm," he says. "About that."
Your stomach flips. What did he do? "Oh no.. What happened." You stare at him angrily until he says, "Yeah, we're kinda early. They said they were coming here at noon. It's eleven fifty. They'll be here any second."
Anger and disappointment grow inside you and you give Harry a small punch on the shoulder. "Ow!" He groans, and you surprises a smile by biting your lip.
Suddenly, a bell is sounded, meaning a customer has walked in, and you whip around to see Liam and Niall. Liam makes eye contact with you and rings out immediately. "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
He runs up to you and picks you up, hugging you tightly. "I wanted to surprise you." You spoke, defeated. But none of that mattered since you were back in his arms.
"You still surprised me, babe, I had no idea you were gonna be here! I love you." Liam says, gently setting you down.
Planting your lips on his, you mumble, "I love you too."

Zayn: "I'm sorry, the line is quite long. I'll be there in a few! Gotta go, mate!" Louis quickly hangs up his phone as he shoves it back in his pocket, never taking his eyes off the road.
"Was that Zayn? What'd he say?" You ask, sitting up and adjusting your seat belt. You wanted to jump out of the car and run to the hotel yourself. Louis picked you up from the airport and was taking you to meet Zayn, who was on your and missed you deeply. Lou had told his bandmates he was going to grab some food, when he was actually picking you up. However, the car hadn't moved an inch in what felt like forever, so you played with your clothes or twiddled your thumbs to make time pass. But, the traffic did not progress at all. The roads stayed packed and you stayed miles away from Zayn.
"He was just complaining about how I was supposed to be back with the food ten minutes ago." Louis said, snapping you out of your trance.
You sigh, starring out the window and watching the trees sway in the wind.
Finally, a miracle happened. The car in front of you started up and rushed forward. Which sprang a "Hallelujah!" from your lips, making Lou cringe and chuckle.
You finally arrived at the hotel, grabbing your suitcase and nearly breaking down the door. Louis had to sprint to keep up with you.
You could hardly handle your excitement as he led you to the room where your boyfriend was.
He knocked, sending shivers through your body. You hid, making sure you were out of sight. The door opened and you heard Zayn; "Thank god you're here, I- What? Where's the food?!" He groans in disappointment.
"Okay, okay... I didn't get the food, but I got something you'll like more than food." Louis set it up so cleverly, you were pretty impressed.
You sprang up to meet your confused boyfriends face that slowly turned ecstatic.
"Y/N!" He rang out, whipping his arms around your waist and pulling you inside. You giggled as he kissed your face.
"I do love you a lot, but I'm starving..." He sheepishly said.
You pulled away from his tight hug and smirked, "Well, c'mon then, let's go get some food!"

One Direction Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें