#8 - His thoughts when he sees you with your new boyfriend.

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Harry: There she is. Wow, she's changed. Even prettier than last time I saw her. She's with her new boyfriend, holding hands with him. I'd never thought I'd see her again. I miss her.

Niall: Memories. I can't focus on what I'm doing, all that it is in my mind at the moment. But, she's with someone else now, and she looks happy, which makes me happy. I love her, but she loves someone else.

Louis: Oh my God, why did I ever let her go. I just let her walk out of my life and now she's with someone else. I'll never get her back. I'm so stupid for letting her leave.

Liam: Whoa, it's [Y/N]. I still remember that night that she left me. She just stormed out of my house, no longer in love with me. It tears me apart to even look at her with someone else.

Zayn: That used to be me, holding hands with her. That used to be my shoulder, she would lean on, for support, and cry on when no one else would let her. I miss her. Please, God, make her come back.

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