#16 - All your little things.

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Niall: The way you laugh when you're telling a joke, the way you'd hug him, you arms around his neck. His arms around your waist, his face in your neck. Heavy breaths in the middle of the night, comforting each other. The way you'd cheer for him at his soccer games. All your little things, Niall loved about you.

Harry: Your lips grazing his while he rests his forehead on yours. The times you got insecure and he'd hold you tight, telling you how much you mattered to him.

Stifling your laughs after pulling pranks on management. Your little things, Harry really admired about you. Not how skinny you were, wether you had a thigh gap or not. The little things he loved most.

Louis: The way he'd call you at odd hours while he's on tour, missing you. How he clutches your hand tight when you were being attacked by paparazzi and reporters. Watching your makeup run down your cheeks, before scooping you up in a hug. Laughing at his stupid jokes, rubbing your stomach when you laughed a little too hard. When Louis thinks about your little things, he falls in love even more with every thought.

Liam: The silly pictures you would take of yourself when he left his phone in your hands. Or the way you would dance slowly as he sang that special song to you. The constant phone calls when he's away, hearing your voice through the speakers. Everything about you, Liam loved. Your personality, especially. You didn't need to hide behind makeup for him to love you. It's the little things.

Zayn: The way you would beg him to dance with you when it's pouring outside, or taking turns giving piggy back rides around the flat. Bad days when he would fight for you to get out of bed as your tears get spot the pillow. Hours and hours you would spend on the phone, talking about nothing in particular. Zayn couldn't love you without little things like this. They matter the most to him, he cherishes them, they're irreplaceable.

A/N: Hey c: This was really like sad to write since I based some this off of my past relationships ;c but I hope you guys enjoyed.

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