#10 - He finds out you cut - Part 3

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Do not read if you are triggered by and/or sensitive to self harm.


As Louis' fingers run through your hair, you scroll down twitter. Louis stares at the tele, while you read hate tweet, after hate tweet. "You're fat." "You're ugly. "You don't deserve Louis." "No one cares about you."

They called you everything. It hurt so much, but you held the tears back because today was Louis' 'free day' and you didn't want it to be wasted by him finding out you self harm.

But then, some one posted a tweet that made your stomach twist, and you wanted to throw up.

"Everyone would be happier (Y/N) was dead. RT if you hope she kills herself."

Tears build up in your eyes as you say, "Uh, I feel ill, I'm gonna take a nap." Your voice is shaky as you crawl off of Louis' lap and speed walk your room.

As soon as the door closes, you cry hard, yet silently. You lay on the floor and hold your stomach, getting the carpet soaked with your tears.

You get up angrily, and open every drawer you see.

"Where the fuck is it," you mumble. Suddenly, you remember where you last put it, and opened that drawer, pull it out, and go to the bathroom. You put your arm over sink, and cut away. Not an inch of your skin on you wrist spared from being ravished by the blade. Your blood is everywhere, it's dripping off of your arm into the skin, and makes lines to the drain.

The door opens and a gust of wind blows your open cuts as Louis walks in.

"Wha.." He says, walking over to you and taking your arm in his hands.

"What happened?"

"The hate. That's what happened." You say, emotionless. "I'm usually good with hate, I can handle it, but.." Tears rest on the edge of your eye, as you try to finish your sentence.

Louis sees that you're ready to cry, so he pulls you into a giant bear hug. Being in his embrace made you never want to let go of him.

"It got me, Lou." You cry in his shirt.

"I know, babe. We'll get through the mean names you get called, the tweets, the comments, everything. We'll get through it together."

"Okay," you let go of him and wipe your tears away.

"Tell me you won't do it again." He says, kissing your wrist.

"I won't, Lou. I promise." You smile weakly.

"I love you, Y/N. Don't hurt yourself." He holds both of your hands in his.

"I love you too."

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