5. Nicholas D. Wolfwood

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You woke up with the morning sun rising in the east, only leaving the second moon barely visible in the sky. You slowly shifted in your covers before letting yourself sit up in the inn's cozy bed. Looking around, you remembered Zazie the Beast's late night visit to your inn's bedroom. You looked around the room to find your automatic rifle, its carrier being big enough to hold the rest of your belongings.

Crawling out of bed, you lifted your black thong higher above your hips and fixed the straps of your black sports bra that dug into the tops of your shoulders. You slowly walked across the small room to see where you had left the automatic rifle, careful to not set it off in your sleepy state. You have to be up before Vash and Wolfwood.

Reaching a hand into the bag, you scrambled to find your pack of smokes and lighter. Once finding them, you threw them onto the bed before putting the rest of your clothes back on. 

I could use a cigarette.

Lacing the straps of your black sand boots, you slowly grabbed your handgun once again, staring at it blankly. You put your mask on around your neck, leaving your face visible. You grabbed your rifle's case and brought it to the edge of the mirror, sitting it up right. You looked into the mirror, watching your fingers swiftly attach the holster again. You reached over onto the bed, grabbing your cigarettes and lighter. Shoving them into your pocket and grabbing the rest of your stuff, you headed for the door.

You had returned your key and found yourself standing against the railing of the porch at the front entrance of the inn. You set your bag up against the railing, to the left of your body. You reached into the pocket of the green jacket you had hung over the railing in front of you.

Looking around the town, there were a few people out, mostly the older townspeople setting up the vendors along different streets. You quickly stuck a cigarette into your mouth, covering the tip of it with your left hand and pointing your index finger near the tip of the cigarette. Breathing through your nose, you closed your eyes and imagined a bright flame rising from your fingertips.

Hearing the sizzle of the flame, you inhaled your cigarette and shook the flame off of your finger.

"Do you mind sparing an extra," a low voice behind you questioned.

You felt a man step to the right of your body, looking down at you and the cigarette you held between your lips. You slowly looked up, scaling the man in front of you.


"Sorry there little lady, let me introduce myself. I'm Nicholas D. Wolfwood" he hummed.

Your eyes widened, confused as to why he hasn't recognized you. With anxious thoughts running through your brain, you took the cigarette out of your mouth and exhaled away from the man in the dark suit.

"Yeah, I've got an extra cigarette. I don't have a lighter though," you whispered back.

He looked at you puzzled and slowly pointed towards the cigarette in your hand.

"Then how did-"

"Wolfwood!" exclaimed another familiar voice.

The blonde outlaw coming from the entrance door of the inn, a smile reaching ear to ear.

"Oh Wolfwood, it looks like you met my pretty lady friend from last night" Vash cheerily said.

You turned to face the blonde that stood next to Wolfwood, the priest giving you a stern and puzzling look.

"Hey Needle-Noggin, did you forget the name of the girl you spent the night with? I didn't expect something like that out of you" Wolfwood stated with a smirk, keeping his eyes on you.

Your eyes widened at the same time Vash's face turned slightly pink.

"We didn't spend the night together," you both uttered.

Wolfwood smirked at both of your responses, letting out a small chuckle. You took another long drag of your cigarette, looking out at the sun rising. The shades of blue, orange, and yellow entrancing you. You hadn't seen such a sight since your last mission.

"Hey, we're going to be getting breakfast pretty soon. Wolfwood gets cranky if he doesn't get an early breakfast, so I'm going to go find a spot while you guys finish" Vash shyly spoke up.

"Please, do join us" the priest asserted.

You nodded in response, bringing the cigarette back up to your lips. Vash rubbed the back of his neck as stepped off the porch to go find any open breakfast spot. You exhaled the smoke to the side, watching Vash happily walk off.

"What are you doing here?" Wolfwood snarled.

You shifted your eyes to dark blue eyes that pierced into your own. Your eyebrows lifted in surprise and you faked a small smile.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about" you remarked with a bubbly tone. You tried to keep your composure, keeping a fake yet reassuring smile on your face.

"How were you able to light that cigarette without a lighter," he harshly questioned, pointing to the cigarette sitting between your two fingers.

You gave a light smile, looking down at the cigarette sitting comfortably in between your fingers. You slightly shook your head before looking back over at the dark haired man next to you. You hesitantly positioned your body to face his.

"You wanna see a magic trick" you asked jokingly.

He scoffed as a response. This needs to be absolutely flawless, one slight misstep and he's going to know.

"Hand me your cigarette" you asked gently.

He slowly set the dart into your palm, his disdain expression watching your movements carefully. You took out the knife that was hidden in your boot and grabbed a small rock from the gravel in front of the porch pillars. You look straight into his dark icey eyes and put his cigarette into your mouth. Taking the blunt end of your knife and the rock, you scraped the two close to the cigarette hanging in your mouth, watching the spark created by the friction. As the spark between the rock and knife ignited, you focused on the small flame in your mind and lit the end with your gift, the gift the Doctor forced onto you.

Inhaling, you felt the smoke of his cigarette fill your lungs. You placed the knife back into your boot and tossed the rock back over the railing. Grabbing the cigarette with your thumb and pointer finger, close to the butt end of it, you took it from your lips and exhaled.

"Ta-da!" you exclaimed cheerfully, a small cough following.

Reaching your arm out in front of you, putting the cigarette up to the Punisher's lips, he grabbed the cigarette slightly overlapping with your fingers. His disdainful look turned into a curious one, making you internally sigh with relief.

Taking a long pause to inhale the rest of his cigarette, he motioned towards you saying,"Alright let's go little lady, I have a feeling Vash is waiting for us".

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