13. One of Them

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Hands behind your back, you slowly walked down the hallway of the lab floor of the giant tower. The white bodysuit decorated in insignias clung to your skin. It slightly covered the bottom of your neck, your collarbones still visible through the skin tight suit. The cold floors smacked underneath your bare feet as you walked down various halls, peering through various windows and doors.

Turning your head back from investigating an open lab room, you noticed the Punisher walking down the hall, bloody and beaten. Quickly running up to the man, you grabbed his shoulders to catch his attention.

"Do you need the Doctor," you questioned concerningly. The dark haired man nodded in response as he slightly tripped on his own shoe. You slipped his free arm over your shoulder and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Nice outfit, smalls," he commented, slowly hobbling with you down to the Doctor's office. You laughed slightly and focused on carrying the priest down the corridors of the building.

"When did you become one of Knives' favorites," he mocked.

"I didn't ask for this, Punisher. Knives thinks that I'm on of them or something," you responded, annoyance in your tone. The dark haired man stood still after hearing your words, making him look down at you with curious eyes.

"Are you-" he started.

Quickly telling him off,"No, Punisher. If I was one of them, I wouldn't be allowed out of this hellhole".

He scoffed in response before starting his slow hobble down the hall again. The floors that were once light grey now had a bloody trail following behind the both of you. You saw the man's grip on his giant cross tighten, using the last of his strength to keep it on his back.

Slowly walking down the halls, searching for the old scientist's office, you peered into a lab room. There was a giant beast hanging in a blue liquid, connected to wires in the giant's back. You could hear subtle voices coming from the room, one that belonged to a small girl and the old man you were searching for.

Your arm clung tighter around the priest's back as you motioned towards the door, knowing that the Doctor would be in there. You heard the priest dragging his cross, making your arrival obvious to the two in the room.

"Punisher, back already," the little girl responded snarkily.

"Shut up, Elendira, I don't need your snarky ass comments right now," he scoffed back. Making the small child groan in annoyance.

"I need some vials, Doc," the Punisher demanded as you slowly walked him over to a seat near the Doctor. Noticing the cross slipping out of his hand as he sat down, you quickly grabbed it. The machinery not feeling as heavy as it looked, as you carefully walked it over to a blank wall.

You carefully placed the cross against the wall of the lab room, double checking that it wouldn't slide out from under itself. Turning back around, the Doctor and the Punisher's eyes were wide in confusion. The Doctor smiling at you, he slowly stepped out of the room, towards his office with the Punisher's necessities.

"That wasn't heavy for you smalls," the Punisher asked in shock. You shrugged your shoulders in response, confused on why he seemed so surprised. Glancing up at the giant hanging in the blue pool, you inspected the beast while waiting for the Doctor to retrieve the blue vials from a cabinet in his desk.

"What are they doing to you," you whispered up at the beast, not expecting a response.

"What an annoyance," Elendira spat at you.

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