16. Bodies, bodies, bodies

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Before removing his hands from your cheek, Vash planted a small kiss on your forehead, creating little sparks to tingle on your skin. The music around you seemed quieter as he spoke,"Then let's go have fun, Dawn". 

In a swift motion, the blonde outlaw picked you up off your feet and slung your body over his shoulder. You gasped at how easily he swooped you up, placing one arm around your lower back and his other arm securing your legs. 

Laughing in surprise, you shouted,"Vash, what are you doing!"

"It'll be easier to move through the crowd like this, everyone can see my precious cargo this way," he jokingly shouted back. 

You groaned in response, playing it off as if you were annoyed that the blonde had literally picked you up from under your feet. Looking out above the heads of the people, you could see the festivities in greater detail. There were some glances you caught from locals, but the majority of those around were more focused on the environment of the town. As Vash continued to walk towards the inn, you took in every sensation of this brilliant town. 

As the crowd slowly dispersed, you noticed the black haired priest laughing at you from the distance, pointing his finger at you and cackling. I bet this wasn't the circus show he was expecting. Staring down the priest as he continued to mock you, your body slowly started to slide down the front of Vash's body. You landed on your feet, feeling your torso burning in sparks with Vash's grip strongly around your hips. 

"We're at the inn, pretty lady," Vash breathed, his voice deep and needy. The last drops of the alcohol from the night must have hit you right then, as you stepped closer against the blonde and stared flirtatiously into his eyes. 

"Don't keep me waiting, stampede," you smirked, purposefully rousing the blonde. You reached into his cargo pants, searching for the keys. Finding the small metal object, you quickly took it out of his pocket and grabbed onto his hand. 

Walking hastily up the stairs to the inn door, leading Vash all the way up, you found your room. Your shaky fingers struggled with the door, messing up the key each time. Vash's body felt strong against yours as he stepped right into you, tracing your arm down to the key. 

Grabbing the key, he stuck it into the lock hard. You smiled in drunkenly relief, feeling one of the blonde arm's wrapping itself around you and pushing you up against the door. Looking up at the hungry blonde's eyes, he whispered,"Let's start where we left off,". 

In one quick motion, the blonde lifted you up off your feet and held you against him underneath you thighs. You locked your legs around him as he lifted you up higher against him, letting out a small gasp. Inches away from his face, you felt all self control escape with each breath. Stray blonde hairs tickled the side of your cheek and slow husky breaths left the blonde's soft lips. 

"I can't wait any longer, Dawn," his voice laced with a want you knew all too well. Swallowing and shoving all the nerves away, you took a shaky breath and nodded. You felt Vash's arm unlock the door and heard the handle to the room's door open. You nudged your head forward, dreading the seconds you had to wait to feel his soft lips again. 

After sticking the key into his pocket, Vash run his free hand up your back and onto the nape of your neck . Pushing your head into his, his warm lips captured yours in slow reassuring motions of gentle force. Keeping up with his needy motions, he continued to step into the room and closer to the bed. 

Turning his head, you invited his tongue to take possession of yours. Sparks flew all across your body as the needy urge in your lower abdomen grew and any restraint from your mind vanished. Your tongues twirled and danced together, before they were ripped away as Vash tossed you onto his bed. 

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