Strange ways

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April 15th 1994 - Sarah Watkins

Hey Internet diary! Tomorrow's school which I am NOT happy about but after school I'm gonna go and hang with my friends near the skate park, my sisters being annoying again always asking me to play with her, like give me a break already sis, anyway enough ranting, instead of hanging with my friends for the week off we get at school I have to go to my grandma's house which is totally annoying the hell out of me but I guess it's fine, mom says there's kids my age there but she says that the people at grandma's neighborhood are "odd", whatever that means, I'm sure I'll find out once I'm there, anyway peace!

Mom had told me to go and pack my things to get ready for the trip to grandma's house, honestly why do we even have to go? Mom complains about grandma all the time and she's only like 60 she's still got a long life to live! Ugh, I should stop ranting in my head and actually pack up, I grab a worn out bag from under my bed and start stuffing clothes that would look good together inside, I packed my toothbrush, toothpaste oh and my action figures and book, and... I guess a diary? Mom says I can't bring the computer which is a huge bummer so I guess I gotta actually write stuff down, oo! Maybe I should bring my skateboard! I said to myself, that would be fun.

April 17th 1994 - Sarah Watkins

We finally got the week off, but I wasn't that excited for it, I didn't really like grandma, she would make comments about me looking way to boyish, I don't really care though, she's a mean old hag, and it's more than "not really liking her" I hate her so much anyway mom reduced the time I can spend on here so I gotta stop writing now, peace!

My sisters are bugging me, again! I fucking hate it! She's always stealing my toys and mom never tells her to give them back because she's the favorite. We stuff our things in the trunk and some things go in the passenger seat beside mom, I go in my usual spot in the car and just stare out the window and zone out again, until my sister starts tapping me "what" I say in an angry tone "Can I play with your new action figures?" she asks me to immediately say "no" to her because that's the only thing that's gonna kill time for me. My little sis whines to mom and she tells me I have to... "share?!" I yell being obviously upset at this "oh c'mon you're too old for toys now, ugh I hate this so much, good thing my sisters chicken to use my skateboard, that's probably the only thing giving me entertainment for now.

We arrive at this old looking house, which is supposed to be grandma's. I haven't been here for a long time and it certainly looks different.

Dear diary, It had been two day since I saw that strange looking person lurking in the rain, I wonder if people across the bridge dress like that, regardless mother tells me to never go beyond the bridge without her and 2 days ago I just broke that rule, I'll probably never do that again due to the fact I had to walk through an unsave forest. Mother has always warned me about the dangerous animals lurking in the trees, underground and the skys welp time to bring this writing to an end, I shall continue tomorrow - April 15th 1884

Mother told me that we had new guests today. We didn't greet them for some odd reason. My mother looked worried, which had made me puzzled. I headed to the living area and decided to look outside, what?! I quietly screamed to myself, that thing they came out of, with wheels, windows and lights...? What is this? Am I dreaming? I had never seen this... "thing" before but it looks so... amazing! Out came a girl, a girl with short hair? And she's wearing pants?! That's something I never see, "she's breaking the rules!" I said to myself, no girl in my town ever wears pants and it's not just the pants, she's wearing a red coat with a peculiar pattern on it and these black and white shoes with bows on them, such strange things I'm seeing today.


I get out of the car and start looking around, I see a strange looking girl staring at me out her window, she kind of looks surprised but I don't really know why. I started observing her a bit more, she had braids and bows keeping them in place, she wore a blue dress with a straw hat, that's weird, no one dresses like that anymore, and she looks like that girl I saw in the distance before, oh whatever I should stop focusing on her it's not that important I go inside grandma's house and she gives me a big hug, huh weird... I say as she let's me go I run off into an empty room and just plop onto the bed then start sleep yawn good night

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