Pls help me

338 14 11

Hello, sorry I'm not back with another chap but I really need help rn-

As you might know, I made (Y/N) INCREDIBLY over-powered. 

And I was just thinking about it and (Y/N) can technically beat the entire verse-

Like, for ex (Y/N) can jjust store any enemy at all in her dimension and that's game over- 

I mean I guess INnocent zero CAN rewind time- BUT (Y/N) CAN JUST STORE HIS SPELL???

OH god


In order for the whole plot to work (not like this book even had one) and for the other characters to get THEIR character development there are 3 ways i thought abt

1) nerf (Y/N)...A LOT

2) kill off (Y/N) and (possibly) revive her cuz main charcters don stay dead

3) Give (Y/N) a disease like anna so that her magic weakens over time and isn't much of a help in the last arc

if u want to vote for one just comment a number on this

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