Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

So, my life somehow got so much better...
The worst experience in my life was when my mate rejected me when I turned 18, but that led me to Logan, the sweetest man I've ever met. It was as if the Goddess apologised for making me deal with Connor by making Logan my second chance mate!
Connor being the dick he is, started working with the most horrendous man on the planet. A hunter… he killed my whole pack when I was younger, I was the only survivor. I had no idea he had survived the attack until he kidnapped me…
You heard me right, he kidnapped me, and Connor helped him hold me for weeks.
Despite their efforts to bring me home, Logan and Alexi were too late. I was severely injured and no longer able to heal. Doctors said I was in a coma and would never wake up. However, once again the Goddess was on our side, because despite all odds I awoke.
That's my story, or the short version anyway. So here I am settling into my reading chair at the pack house, my handsome mate fast asleep on the bed in front of me. Everything crazy I have experienced over the past two months has been worth it because I will spend the rest of my life with him.
Until two months ago, all I wanted to do was run away from this pack; now the idea of leaving is horrible. This pack is my home, it is perfect, and I have everything I could ever want.
"Good morning, little one. What are you doing up so early?”
When my eyes found Logan, I couldn't help but stare at him shirtless as he sat there, staring at me with his cheeky grin. I couldn't stop my eyes from drifting downwards, his eight-pack in full view.
When I finally stopped eye fucking my mate, I noticed a smirk playing across his lips, obviously enjoying the attention.
“I couldn’t sleep.”
A look of concern crossed his face as he crossed the room towards me, wrapping his arms around me. The feeling of being in my mate’s arms instantly started calming me.
"What's wrong, Love?”
My stomachache disappeared as he smiled at me. “Nothing, I’m fine. It’s been a crazy couple of months. Besides, today I officially become Luna. I don’t care for parties or being in the centre of attention.”
As he spoke, his expression relaxed: "You don't have to worry, they'll adore you. You were born to lead. Come on, let's get ready and then have breakfast, I asked the omegas to make pancakes."
Goddess I love this man, he truly knows the way to my heart. Smiling from ear to ear as I followed him to the bathroom, to shower with my beast of a mate. Sometimes I really do love my life.
It took an hour for us to finally make it to the dining room, seeing Logan soaped up in all his glory was just plain distracting. It would be impossible to look at Logan Black, six feet of unrelenting muscle, and not be distracted. That man is intoxicating, whenever he is around it’s like my brain is clouded in fog.
I was getting used to living in the pack house, even getting into a routine. Alexi and I trained the warriors in the morning, then I spend the afternoon taking care of pack business.
It was a simple routine, but I had grown to love it, however, today is different. This is the first full moon I have seen since I became Logan's mate, that is, the first one during which I have actually been here. Kidnapping and Coma not included. Meaning today is my Luna ceremony, the day I officially become Blue Moon’s Luna.
I’m terrified, this pack has avoided me for years, and most of them have pretended like I don’t exist since I moved here. Training with the Warriors over the past couple of weeks has been incredible but I’m still nervous. I've been so nervous that my stomach has been aching almost non-stop. I haven't had a lot of time with the rest of the pack, so I'm not sure how they'll react to me. Logan keeps saying they will love me; I just wish I were as confident as he is.
An Omega pulled me from my inner monologue, as she placed a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me. “Morning Luna.”
“Morning Megan, these look amazing. Thank you.”
She smiled proudly before heading back to the kitchen, I liked Megan. She is very timid and quiet, but rather sweet. Her short hair was cut into a bob that brushed against her bare caramel skin. Her father is one of the warriors I trained, so when he said she wanted a summer job, I offered her a job in the pack house. Despite my repeated attempts to get her to call me Andy, she still calls me Luna.
“Morning guys. Andy, you missed a crazy training session.”
As I looked at Alexi, he was sweaty and smelled of death. The house is overrun with boys, I can't wait until Grayson and Alexi find their mates. I'm outnumbered here.
“You stink!”
He rolled his eyes at me but continued his story. “So, Grey goes mad on Damon and destroys him, not that he didn’t have it coming, the guy is a tool.”
That's an understatement, Damon was Connor's closest friend and just as evil as him. He hated me, well, still hates me. He refuses to even acknowledge that I am there, he is one of the warriors and will not take a single order from me. Alexi wants him punished, but I refuse; if Logan found out, I think he would lock him up with Connor.
"You talking about me behind my back again, Lex?" Grayson jokingly asked as he entered, sporting exactly the same post-exercise look as Alexi. With his stormy grey eyes, black hair that was reminiscent of beautiful silk and his adorable smile, he was one of the most eligible bachelors in the pack. Standing in nothing but grey sweatpants, I could almost hear every woman in the pack house swoon.
As Logan growled beside me, I realised I had been gazing at the gamma for far too long. Alexi laughed at Grayson's discomfort, seeing that Logan looked like he might kill him.
“You have nothing to worry about handsome.”
Logan visibly relaxed at my voice, still glaring at Grayson as he pulled me onto his lap.
Away from my pancakes…
My efforts to move away towards my food only angered my mate, mainly because Grayson had chosen to sit beside me. Goddess why is he so big, I can barely move him!
Alexi was laughing at my struggle, damn traitor. Just sitting there as I starve to death. My glaring only made him laugh harder, and he calls himself my brother.
“You could help me, you know?” I all but sneered at my brother.
“I could.” He agreed.
I’m going to wipe that smug smile off of his stupid face as soon as I’m free. I heard Grayson laugh as he realised what was happening, a growl slipped from my lips, instantly silencing the wolf.
“Never get between Andy and food, trust me, dude.” Grayson seemed to accept this and went back to his pancakes.
“Handsome, can you please let me go?” Logan gave me a confused look before releasing me from his death grip.
I took one bite of my breakfast before Megan walked in and announced “Luna, it’s time to get ready for the ceremony.” With one last mournful look at my food, I stood and followed her upstairs.

In addition to planning the whole ceremony, Logan's mother, the former Luna, even picked out my dress, which I have to admit is stunning. A simple red one-shoulder ball gown, it fit me perfectly. My height made it just reach the floor, allowing it to flow behind me as I walked.
Megan had been assigned to do my hair and makeup, after two hours of sitting in the chair with her fussing over me I realised why Luna had picked her. The girl was talented, I can’t believe she made me look so elegant. My makeup wasn’t over the top, but it was still stunning. The sides of my hair were swirled into a braid, which laid on top of my tamed curls. I don’t think I have ever looked so put together before, don’t get me wrong I dress up sometimes but nothing like this, nothing so elegant. Smiling from ear to ear I hugged Megan, thanking her.
“You’re coming, right? Please say yes, I could use a friend.” I begged.
"I do not think I was invited; besides, I do not have anything to wear."
“Don’t worry, we can fix that.”

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