Chapter 5

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Connor’s POV

All I do is pace this cell, for over a month they have kept me down here. In this dark and putrid place.
My pathetic excuse for a brother, has the nerve to make her his Luna.
How dare he take what’s mine.
Rejection or not.
“Hey baby.” Tyler’s shrill voice pulled me from my thoughts.
Goddess her voice annoys me.
“How you been baby?”
“I’m locked in a cell; how do you think I’ve been?”
She pouted, what I assume was supposed to be sexy but just came across as childish.
“Don’t be mean, I did exactly what you asked Connie.”
Ignoring the infuriating nickname, I kept myself and my voice calm.
“Good girl, it won’t take them long to act.”
Tyler paused for a moment, nervously playing with her hair.
“What is it?”
“Well, I was just wondering why?”
“Why, what?”
“Why you hate her so much.” She whispered, staring down at her feet.
Now that is a long story.

10 years ago…

I watched as my brother trained with my father. Same time everyday they would go down to the beach and train, leaving me alone. He always paid more attention to Logan. To the future alpha.
My father had missed the last training, off on some business trip. But he seemed different today, he wasn’t himself.
Logan however didn’t seem to notice our father’s off mood. Sometimes I envied my brother. He knew who he was supposed to be, no worries. He had everything.
The sound of crying pulled my attention. Sitting by the cliff, is a girl, her head in her hands as she sobs. Her golden hair was braided down her back, and her clothes looked oversized and strange on her.
Slowly I made my way towards her, she flinched away as I sat beside her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
She raised her face to mine, tears streaked down her face as her eyes met mine.
Her eyes.
They were amazing, blue flames flicked making her already bright eyes look brighter.
“I’m Connor.”
She smiled slightly, not reaching her eyes.
We spent the rest of the day playing on the beach, her smile stayed small but for me it was one of the best days of my life.
To my joy, Rea agreed to meet me the next day.
For days we met on the cliffs, spending the day playing in the sand.
One day I got back to the packhouse to find my mother cooking dinner, she smiled down at me as I walked in the kitchen.
“What’s got you looking so happy mister?”
“I think I met my mate, and she’s perfect.”
My mother stops and looks at me, her face breaking into a brilliant smile.
“That’s amazing news, what’s her name?”
“Rea Hale.”
My mothers face fell as I spoke.
“I’m sorry sweetie, but she’s not your mate.”
A strange feeling overwhelmed me, pain. Like everything hurt at the same time.
She looked like she was deciding what to say carefully.
“She’s Logan’s mate sweetie, I’m sorry.”
How can he have her as well!
He can’t have her, she’s mine.
How can he have her?
It’s not fair, he’s just an idiot with a sword.
She likes me, I know it.

The next morning, I ran to the beach eager to see Rea again.
The cliff was empty, where is she?
Did she decide not to come?
The sound of giggling catches my attention and I turn to see Logan holding a sword, pretending to dual Rea as she giggles hysterically.
She’s laughing with him. The entire time we had spent together she had barely smiled, but a few minutes with him and she’s hysterical.
She seemed so happy with him, all nervousness and fear had disappeared.
Why is she so relaxed with him?
She’s mine, he can’t have her.
“Logan, father wants you.” I yelled.
Logan immediately turned and heading to the packhouse, waving a goodbye to Rea.
Rea walked over to me, a smile still covering her face.
I nodded to her and headed for our cliff. We had spent everyday here under the massive oak tree.
“Did I do something wrong?”
Rea whispered, her fear showing through again. Why is she afraid with me but not him?
“Why him?” my voice came out angrier than I had intended, causing her to shrink away.
“I don’t understand, he seemed nice.” She whimpered.
“Not him, you can’t talk to him again.”
“Why? He’s, my friend.”
“I said NO.”
Rea huffed, turned and started walking away from me.
“Where are you going?”
“Because I don’t want to hang out with you anymore.”
Her eyes glowed, as the flames flickered again.
“Why not?”
“Because you’re mean!” she yelled.
“I am not mean, stop being stupid.”
“I am not stupid, and you are mean, telling me who to talk to is mean, yelling at me is mean, calling me stupid is mean.”
She goes to walk away again but I follow her until she stops.
“I don’t want to be your friend anymore Connor.”
“Who are you going to be friends with then? Because no one else will want a rogue as a friend.”
I could see the hurt in her eyes, but I ignored it.
This was her fault.
She yelled before walking away, not even bothering to look back.
“Don’t ever talk to me again.”
She chose him.
Why would she choose him?

“Connor?” Tyler’s voice sounded worried as she waved her hand in front of my face.
When she sighed and left, I went back to pacing, thoughts of my mate filling my head.
When the pack started treating her badly, I didn’t stop them, I coached them on. And when my friends started hitting her, I never helped her. Once my wolf showed my anger only intensified, he hated her. He hated her for rejecting us before ever meeting him.

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