Chapter 2

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Logan’s POV

The past few months have been the best and worst of my life, but when I woke to find Andy curled up reading a book and feeling completely at home it made me feel excited. None of it mattered, it was all worth it, for her. My mate is perfect, this moment is perfect. The way her eyes light up as she looks at me, the smile that graces her lips as her eyes trail down my body. I will never tire of looking at her, of touching her. I truly will never understand how she thinks herself to be plain, there is nothing remotely ordinary about her.
The feeling of having my mate in my arms is something I could never describe, there are no words good enough. There’s nothing that beats that feeling, well maybe one thing… the view of my mate’s naked body dripping from the shower above her. No words could describe the vision in front of me, Andy was perfect. This woman has legs that any woman would kill for and an ass that I can't wait to dig my teeth into. I couldn't help but get distracted; neither a man nor a wolf could resist this woman.
Brushing my fingers across her neck, working my way down until I reached her ass.
I whispered in her ear, “Spread your legs.” A smile graced my lips as she did what I asked without an ounce of hesitation.
Leaning down I started kissing her everywhere, starting at her mark I felt her shudder beneath my lips. Growling, I lifted her, holding her ass firmly in place. Andy wrapped her legs around my hips, bringing me closer, her hands finding their way into my hair. In one swift movement, I turned Andy so that her back was to the wall. My body effectively held her in place, allowing my hands to move freely. Starting at her hips, I was slowly moving my hands towards her core as I roamed her body.
As I pressed two fingers deep into her mouth, pressing in and out slowly, I felt her flex and clench around me. Desiring to hold me in place, her moans only intensified, until I felt her shudder as waves of pleasure overcame her.
As her breathing began to return to normal, her first question reminded me just how perfect my mate is. "You ready for your turn?" she asked.
As she knelt, she smiled and kept her eyes on me while her beautiful mouth descended on my...
"Logan! Get your head out of the clouds and get back to work!" My mother's voice yelled, calling me out of my flashback, and after realising I was standing in the middle of the ballroom as everyone set up around me, I immediately got to work. Alexi was struggling to keep a straight face; my embarrassment obviously bringing him joy. And I call this man my friend.
"Yes, Logan, get back to work." He whispered to me, giggling to himself.
“Alexi Jackson, stop joking around and try to be useful.” Alexi’s face paled as he turned to face the angry, she-wolf.
“Sorry Mother.”
Chuckling, I picked up a stack of chairs and brought them to the platform, thanking Mrs Jackson silently. I still have no idea how she and my mother had managed to put all of this together so quickly, the whole pack house looked amazing. From the lights strung across the ceiling to the tables piled high with every delicious food imaginable, they were true miracle workers when it came to party planning.
The moment my mother learned Andy woke up in the pack hospital, she immediately began to prepare the ceremony, offering to do everything so Andy could rest. Everything I have learned about my mate makes me think that Andy appreciated that a lot more than she let on. I have watched that girl take down an army single-handed, but I think party planning terrifies her.
After almost two hours, we finally finished, and the room was filled with beautiful music as the guests arrived. Running upstairs to get changed, if I leave Andy to face the crowd alone, I will never hear the end of it.

Where are you? I could almost feel Alexi’s fear through the mind link.

Coming now, what’s up?

Your mother is screaming at me. I couldn’t stop the burst of laughter that came out of me.

I heard that…

By the time I reached Alexi, I had almost stopped laughing, but the fear in his eyes at the thought of my mother had me laughing again.
“Will you stop, it’s not funny. She’s scary dude.” To be fair to him, that is true. My mother is one of the nicest people you will ever meet however I would definitely not advise crossing her.
My mother’s annoyed voice instantly stopped our argument.
“Will you boys hurry up!”
Heads bowed low, we walked into the ballroom like disobedient children.
There are only two people in the world my wolf will allow to speak to us that way, we are an alpha after all. His mate and for some unknown reason our mother.
Because she is terrifying…

And you’re an alpha wolf…

So is she!
Rolling my eyes at him Andrea’s scent washed over me, the past few hours without my mate have felt like an eternity. Not having her by my side was torture. The thought of seeing her again had me practically running towards her scent. The sight that greeted me made me freeze in place. She looked stunning. The red gown hugged her chest perfectly, making her gorgeous curves even more striking. She smiled her perfect smile at me as she walked over. I felt her lips brush my cheek as she leaned in to whisper in my ear.
“Careful, your wolf is showing.”
I could hear the satisfaction in her voice, she was enjoying my reaction. The thought only worsened my struggle. It’s taking every piece of self-restraint I have to not throw her over my shoulder and show her just what I think about that dress.

Just wait until after the party, little one.

My smile widened as I watched her cheeks redden, this is going to be fun.
“Andrea, you look stunning my dear.”
Mrs Jackson’s timing was as always impeccable, she took one look at Andy and rolled her eyes at me.
“Leave my poor daughter alone, just for one evening Logan. Tonight, she belongs to the pack, not just to you.”

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