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A short but beautiful male was cooking peacefully but stopped when he heard a crying from his room making him leave all the works and ran towards his room only to meet with an adorable sight infront of him.

His husband was calming their 2 year old baby girl who was crying bcoz of hunger but his husband being a little dummy didn't know the reason why she was crying and was thinking that she had dirtied her diaper making the shorter male sign in disbelief. As he made his way towards them taking her in his arms and started feeding her to stop her from crying.

Jh- Soonie you're so dumb!! Don't u know that she was hungry??
Sy- Hoonie I thought she had dirt her diaper.
Jh- No dummy now go wake Jiwoo up. He have school to attend.
Sy- Sure baby( Said while pecking his lips)

Jihoon shake his head and went downstairs to finish his work as he let his daughter to play in the playpen.

Soon he heard footsteps coming closer to him and a small pairs of arms hugged his legs making him look down at his son as he greeted him while kissing his whole face making him giggle.

Jh- Good morning mine baby, did u had a great sleep.
Jw- Good morning mama and yes I had a good sleep.
Jh- Okay now eat ur breakfast or u'll get late and you too Soonie.
Sy/Jw- Okay Hoonie/mama.

After they finished eating Jihoon wash the plates walk towards them to bid goodbyes as Jihoon peck Jiwoo's  forehead and cheeks making him giggle kiss his cheeks, Jiwoo peck his baby sister cheeks too while Soonyoung peck his lips and peck his baby girl forehead.

As they bid their goodbyes and to their school/office and Jihoon went to do house cleaning while putting Mi-cha on her playpen.

Kwon Jiwoo
7 years old
Love his parents and sister alot
Hybe Junior school

~Intro~Kwon Jiwoo 7 years old Love his parents and sister alot Hybe Junior school

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Kwon Mi-cha
2 years old
Love her parents and brother alot

Kwon Mi-cha2 years old Love her parents and brother alot

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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