Meet Her

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Sisters: Drizzella and Anastasia

Mother: Lady Tremaine

Step-Sister: Ella

Age: 8

Hobbies: reading, playing, drawing, singing, spending time with the animals


- good with Ella

- iffy with her sisters

- not so great with her mother


hair ~ mid-back length, Carmel brown, slightly wavy

eyes ~ amber (golden brown)

height ~ average for an eight year old

physique ~ delicate but not as cinched as Tremaine wants

dress/outfit colors of choice ~ pastels and any purple


- wishful

- full of childish innocence

- "heart of gold" according to Ella

- not catching on fully to social mannerisms

- optimistic

- "not enough grace and poise" according to Tremaine

- "annoying" according to Drizzella

- "hyper" according to Anastasia

"Alexis" is kinda based of me (including name starting with A)... please no hate... I'm using how others have described me plus some aspects of younger and somewhat current me...

please be kind


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